I would strongly advise reading Mauro Biglino's "The Naked Bible" before you adopt any beliefs based on the Old Testament. An exploration of the Apocrypha is advised as well, esp. The Book of Enoch, along with other heretical texts excised by Constantine during the Council of Nicaea, esp. the Nag Hamadi codices. Familiarizing yourself with other esoteric texts, e.g. The Kybalion is also helpful.

Doing so will present a markedly different picture of religion and the associated metaphysics, which will better inform your understanding and lead to a more accurate understanding of how reality is structured.

Nice to meet you at Liberty Forum BTW. LMK if you want to chat about this subject, I've spent considerable time studying it.

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I am actually fairly familiar with a lot of the near-canon literature in the academic sense (e.g. I know summaries of it) but have never read it. May give it a shot.

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Biglino is a must read IMO. His literal translations don't leave a lot of room for anything but the obvious conclusions. There's scads of interviews with him on YouTube. if you'd rather just listen to him discuss it. Do check his bona fides (he's clearly not a crank): https://www.maurobiglino.com/en/biography/

Comparing those to Vedic, Babylonian, and other traditions stories paints quite a picture when you put it all together.

I won't spoil it for you because it initially seems outrageous, which makes it easy to skip the work of actually investigating it coming to a rational conclusion.

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