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Kamala Harris Wants to Censor All Information on the Internet? Fascism is Just Around the Corner


In this eye-opening episode, Malcolm and Simone discuss the alarming levels of censorship and government influence over social media platforms like X and Facebook. They delve into specific cases where democratic processes and free speech have been compromised, such as the Brazilian government's attempts to shut down right-wing voices online and the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story by U.S. authorities. They also explore the broader implications of these actions, comparing them to historically fascist tactics, and discuss the urgent need for systemic change to preserve democratic freedoms.

[00:00:00] X would not ban people that the Brazilian government was telling them to ban. Oh, okay. This is with public knowledge. what we would, is not being talked about, and this is very important, whose accounts. Wouldn't Twitter remove?

, you're like, well, we wouldn't do this in the US, except here's a problem.

They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of, of, of oversight or regulation and that has to stop I believe the left is right now structurally transitioning our government into a fascist like state where elections aren't legitimate anymore and whatever.

All right. What? How far are we going here? Where the media just lies blatantly and regularly without recourse, where the elections aren't legitimate, where any dissenting viewpoint is banned. This is scary. Cause we do, we have both fans and also personal, like family friends who grew up in Soviet Russia, who write to us now and say things like, [00:01:00] right now it feels.

Feels like that! Feels like that

 When the media puts out there, when MSNBC puts out there something like that, that like is verifiably and easily verifiably not true, what they are telling you is Do this. Think this.

everything. Very similar to like an inquisition, historically speaking

would you like to know more?

Hello, this is Malcolm and Simone. And today, honestly, the information that we are looking at right now to me is as shocking as the Trump assassination attempt. Or the scary Biden debate where he was clearly like, not cognizant.

And then everybody pretended like. You know, oh, well, we can't possibly exchange him at the last minute. And then when they realized that what they really meant is we can't possibly let Democrats [00:02:00] vote in a primary. I mean, come on, that's not the way the party works anymore. And then when they realized they didn't have to let Democrats vote in a primary, they're like, Oh, you mean we can just install anyone.

I'm sorry, Malcolm, but we are not a democracy. We are a representative democracy. The plebs are too stupid to decide for themselves. They're just being true. To the American people. But hold on, we need to talk about what's happened here. Okay. Because it's actually been for me at least, fairly chilling.

Can anything shock you these days? Let's hear it though. I've been out of the loop, so I'd love to. know what's going on. I'm knee deep in government paperwork doing RFPs for our business, so I really have no idea what's going on. I need to know. So, I'll give you the small things, okay? In the past 24 hours, Dems have forced RFK Jr.

to stay on the ballot. Even though he tried to remove himself. So Donald Trump could, yes. They, [00:03:00] DIMMS removed Colonel West off the ballot. The DOJ has filed to upgrade the Trump indictment. Facebook admits they censored posts in compliance with Biden's and Harris requests. But, but, but that's the small stuff.

Let's talk about the big thing. The thing that has genuinely chilled me. So in Brazil. Remember how Elon got in trouble for calling into question the far left win of the Brazil presidency? Like, it seems like there was something fishy happening in this last election cycle. Oh, and the government was mad at him about this.

So then recently this new far left government in Brazil Has decided to, and it's so funny because it actually was hard for me to figure this out. Everyone was out, they, what you'll hear from the public media, the media that like you're allowed to listen to until my channel gets too big on YouTube and I just end up disappearing one day is X was banned in Brazil.

Because X would not ban people that the Brazilian government was telling them to ban. Oh, [00:04:00] okay. This is with public knowledge. So unlike Facebook, that you just alluded to earlier, that, that did remove things that were offensive. Oh, and we'll get into what Facebook removed, because we now know they removed many true things during an election cycle.

Cycle Zuckerberg's wishes from, we'll say from an administrative standpoint, like you're working in a company, sometimes it's just easier to do the thing. Okay. So when Twitter did, Twitter did not do the thing, which is, yeah, we've learned from the Twitter situation right now in Brazil that did the countries will ban you, but what we would, is not being talked about, and this is very important, whose accounts.

Wouldn't Twitter remove? Oh, so wait, they did remove some of the accounts requested, but not all? Well, no, no, no. So, Twitter regularly removes accounts for breaking rules, okay? This, no, even under X, even under Elon, it, it, it removes accounts all the time. They do not have a free speech absolutist policy, despite what the left says.

No, no, no, I'm aware of that. In fact, the left is, is [00:05:00] extra enthusiastic about mentioning every single instance in which Twitter does ban or remove people because they say that, ironically, Elon Musk acquired Twitter slash X and now uses it to censor people while saying that he supports free speech. So I, I hear you on that.

What I'm, what I'm asking though is did, Elon, or sorry, did X ban people, some of the people that the Brazilian government requested? Oh, I'm sure they did. But this is the point, okay? What is not being reported in Western media right now is what the request that the Brazilian government made of X was. was that led to X being banned.

And so after a deep searching, I was basically able to find articles that basically coughed up the truth. What happened is, is that X got a list of pretty much every prominent white wing person was a Twitter account in Brazil, including mainstream individuals. So this would be like, if the white [00:06:00] house gave X or YouTube a list that included people like.

Tucker Carlson and Karl Rove. And, you know, it was just like a list. So they were trying to, in other words, they were trying to de platform people based on political affiliation, not on how radical they were, not on dangerous or tactical things they were doing. Well, some of them were on dangerous and tactical things, but broadly speaking, the list that they got, and this has been confirmed by many, even left leaning news sources, Was basically entirely right wing people.

It was for dangerous political beliefs, but it was all right wing. And then they had a separate list, which was the undermining democracy list. Okay. Which was basically everyone who had ever questioned this election cycle, which was an incredibly fishy election cycle in Brazil, very similar to the one that we recently had in the US.

And basically you're not allowed to say, actually, if you really dig into the data, it was a pretty fishy election cycle. So, that's not the [00:07:00] core of why this is so horrifying. I mean, it's, it's part of why it's horrifying, but now if you use a VPN, because you're like, oh, you could use a VPN to get around it.

If you use a VPN in Brazil to get around it, that is an 8, 000 fine per day that you do this. Keep in mind that per day X fine is higher than the bail to get out of jail for murder in Brazil, in some cases. It is, it is, they have gone extreme, but we need to talk about like the corruption media down because this is what we're going to be talking about on this episode is instances, instances, instances in which the media and our reality is being retconned for us and that there is no longer a facade of truth.

in what the urban monoculture and far left are doing anymore. And when I say far left, I'm not talking about like wokey extremists. I'm talking about Kamala [00:08:00] Harris and the party apparatus at this point. So a great example of this retconning of reality that's happened recently was Kamala Harris was in very publicly for a long time.

The was in a bunch of articles, and they have recently gone back and said she was never Border Czar and mainstream newspaper articles are being edited to remove the fact that she was ever Border Czar. Borders are nice. Another crazy one which I sent Simone and I'll put on screen here is MSNBC conflated two different instances.

And it will be very clear to you when you're watching the clip because Harris never served overseas and Kamala Harris never served as a medic. So why is Joe Rogan? praising Kamala Harris for those things, because he wasn't. He was praising Tulsi Gabbard. They reframed a clip of Joe Rogan to make it look like he was praising Kamala Harris and a [00:09:00] mainstream news organization was putting this out there.

She's gonna win.

No, she's not. She can win. She is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice. She in a medical unit. She was a congresswoman for eight years. Yeah. She is a person of color. She's everything you want. She's going to win. No, she's not. She can win. They just want no Trump, no matter what. By the way, Tulsi Gabbard once called Titan cute in a Mar a Lago bathroom. Oh, she did? Yeah, she did. You met her? Oh, that's sweet! So, little Titan gets the cute from Tulsi Gabbard. This is for people who weren't, this is when we were at the Log Cabin Republicans, right? Yeah. Yeah, okay. I went to their, like, yearly gala or whatever, so of course we see Tulsi Gabbard there, such a classy lady.

That was really fun. But anyway so, gotta get, gotta get back to this how, how bad this, this

When you're like in the US, okay, you're like, well, [00:10:00] we wouldn't do this in the US, except here's a problem. I'm going to play a clip here of Kamala Harris saying she liked the Brazil decision.

He has, he has lost his privileges and it should be taken down and, and the bottom line is that you can't say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a, a, a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power.

They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of, of, of oversight or regulation and that has to stop.

Oh dear. Oh wait, why would, well, okay, wait, hold on. I'm trying to think through why she would do that. I think liberals hate X.

So if she said, yeah, I think No, I'll explain her logic because you are misguessing what her logic is and it will make perfect sense to you. Okay. What she says is Well, if the government's applying those rules to one platform, all platforms have to follow them [00:11:00] equally. In this case, she was specifically saying, if we're applying these rules to Facebook, X has to follow them as well.

And this is where this gets scary. Because At around the same time as all this is happening, Mark Zuckerberg releases that he was forced to ban people for sharing true information if it went against the Democratic Party platform when the Democrats controlled the White House. So, let's get into this. And he now says he regretted it.

I think I think Zuck is gonna do a come around. I think he's gonna be on the side of people like Elon soon. Wow. You wait, you wait. He's, yeah. No, he has his whole new era going on with the little, the fro and the chain. He's, he's doing something different. Oh, no. Maybe, I think he's gonna, I, I, no, I genuinely think what happened to Zuck is he just got picked on too much.

He tried to play their game. He tried to give free internet to India. He tried to, whenever he would do something that he [00:12:00] thought was this big magnanimous. thing to appeal to woke people, they were just like, bam, bam, bam, slam him in the ground.

You are all of you beneath me. And I will not be bullied by

I think just finally he's like, wait, you guys aren't my friend.

Yeah, this is a moment. Maybe, maybe he's having this moment. We'll see. Yeah. He does seem a lot less uptight now. He just seems comfortable and happy. So maybe he's gone conservative, who knows? No, I gotta do the the, the, the scene here from Madagascar, which I always think about when I think about the conservative party now.

Whenever these people are like, but I just, I just couldn't join the conservatives. It'd be so gauche. I mean, I, I do think the liberals have become monstrous these days. But it would be so, and, and it's just like, when they're like, just come to our side of the island. It's the fun side of the island. And, and yes, we may still be drinking sand and stuff like that, but at least [00:13:00] it's a party, man.

May not be perfect, but at least we're trying. To the decent human beings over here.

 Melvin and Gloria are over there having a good time. There's room on the fun side for one more. No thanks. Look, I've been thinking. Maybe if you gave this place a chance, I don't know, you might even enjoy yourself. Could you just give it a chance? Think about

it's him. Who is it? It's the pizza man. Who the heck do you think it is? Yes? Can I help you? Can I come to the fun side?

Beg your pardon? You know, I've been kind of a jerk, Morty. I'm sorry.

 [00:14:00] Welcome to Casa Del Wild. Take a load off. Mi casa es su casa.

Very impressive. Hey, have a drink. It's on the house. This is seawater. Oh, you don't swallow it. Check this out. Wow, would

you look at that. It's like billions and billions of helicopters.

Let's talk about some of these stories here because there were a few instances of this that have been really well recorded at this point. So the Hunter Biden laptop story, it is now known that this story was 100 percent accurate.

It was during an election and it had a chance. To affect an election, New York Post posted an article about it,, and the FBI used their power to have this article removed from the Facebook platform. And for those who are not in [00:15:00] the US, because about half of our audience isn't basically the son of one of the two presidential candidates Had left a laptop with a lot of damning information about him, including drug use and all these other bad things at a laptop repair shop and just forgot to pick it up, I guess, and that got leaked.

But then when the New York Post covered it, it basically got censored by operatives of the Democratic Party which was the party representing that president whose son's laptop had been left behind and leaked. Yeah so, for those who maybe forget, because I feel people don't put various stories together in their mind to realize how completely infiltrated our government is right now, by this nefarious force which we're going to be talking about later in this episode, like how is all of this happening so blatantly, how is most of the world relating to this where there was the instance of the FBI agent, Peter Stoskoff an FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, in [00:16:00] 2016, Page expressed concern about Donald Trump potentially becoming president, and Stoskoff replied, No, no, he won't.

We'll stop him. So this is what the FBI, we, who is we, we, the FBI will stop him. Who banned that story? The FBI. Okay. There was a sentiment within the United States intelligence services that Donald Trump could not be allowed to win an election cycle. And I think that the mistake they made in that first election is they basically just said, okay, no way he's going to win, blah, blah, blah.

Now they're like, Oh, we've just, we'll make sure that he can't win. And I think that that's largely what happened in the last cycle as well. Yeah. Well, what's disappointing to me is we heard exactly the same statements. The first time that Donald Trump ran for president in 2016, we even heard that from operatives within the Republican party of don't worry, we won't let him win.

We have a special, obviously connections in both the Democrat and the Republican party. And one of the high level operatives in the Republican party told [00:17:00] us that they had a system to prevent Donald Trump from winning the primary.\. You were talking about how, yeah, we saw, we saw people saying that Trump couldn't win. And I thought that that gave us, it gave us a lot of hope in 2016 that despite the fact that all these forces thought that they ran things and thought they could control how outcomes were that, you know, Trump ultimately broke the ultimate glass ceiling, you know, that weirdos and outsiders could break into Washington, at least to a certain extent, it kind of felt a little bit like.

You know, he, he ventured into Russia and kind of got froze out and maybe that's what's going on here. You know, he just went too far. He was able to get in, he was able to cross the borders, but their slash and burn was just too much for him. And then, you know, he's, he can't get back in. No, what I'm going to argue at the end of this is I believe the left is right now structurally transitioning our government into a fascist like state where elections aren't legitimate anymore and whatever.

All right. What? How far are we going here? Where the media just lies blatantly and regularly without recourse, [00:18:00] where the elections aren't legitimate, where any dissenting viewpoint is banned. This is scary. Cause we do, we have both fans and also personal, like family friends who grew up in Soviet Russia, who write to us now and say things like, right now it feels.

Feels like that! Feels like that! I'm gonna go over some other instances here that are very interesting. So the COVID 19 censorship scandal apparently he also was not super cool with that. And this was from Zuckerberg. If people remember, there was a period where you couldn't say COVID on YouTube.

You couldn't say COVID on Facebook. YouTubers are still scared about saying it. I don't, you know, you might even censor yourself here. You say it, it could get you insta banned from like any platform. And it was one of the most fascist things, like in my lifetime. Anybody who lived through that and wasn't like, Wow, our society's in crisis right now.

Like, there's empty streets and I'm not allowed to say the word [00:19:00] on social media. Like, on our primary mechanism of communication. They just thought we really liked Harry Potter, so it was the virus which shall not be named. You know, they wanted us to live the fantasy. But it wasn't like you didn't name it because of how bad it was.

You didn't name it because everyone was terrified of the government coming and knocking on the door. I know, I know. I'm kidding. But no, but I mean, it's a different kind of thing. It was very fascistic in almost the purest form possible. IE societal crisis. Like it's like, there's some war and we're all supposed to pretend the war isn't happening.

We all use some other name for the war. Very similar to how Russia right now is like, they don't, they can't say the Ukraine war. They have to say like the Conflict or the Oh, they do. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No one you, you'd be banned from their social media platform. So yeah, it's, it's, it's very.

severely fascist, but what's interesting is it's even worse than all of this. So if you want to understand how bad things have gotten if you go into what's happening [00:20:00] in Brazil right now, okay, so as, okay, so for people who don't, Somehow don't know this. Elon owns X slash Twitter, but he also owns a company called Starlinker.

He's what, he doesn't like really own Bose. He is a primary shareholder in Bose, right? Or a heavy shareholder in Bose. So what the Brazilian government has done is it has decided to start fining and collecting fines from X, not from X, from Starlink. to pay X's fines which has made it possible. Now for people who don't know how companies work, he doesn't like literally own both of these.

He's got, there's no legal basis. You, there's no, there's no grounds on which Government can go after one entity because of one investor that the entity has. Yeah, there just doesn't seem to be any sort of legal basis. That's insane, but it's worse than just being insane. So I think it was something.

So just so people know how big both of these platforms [00:21:00] are within Brazil, 40 million Brazilians, roughly one fifth of Brazil's population is checking X at least once a month. And as for Starlink what was it? I'm trying to find the number that they shut down. I believe it was something like 300, 000.

, but it was big. Okay. And a lot of these, because remember the Amazon is in Brazil, are schools. That are using this to teach children who live in rural areas of Brazil, because Brazil has the Amazon, where Starlink is critical to daily life and education. And they are shutting this down, the government is shutting this down.

In order to prevent their citizens from being, seeing mainstream right leaning political figures talk. Haha.

Okay, that, that's crazy. I, I was, everything else that you said was unsurprising and plausible. [00:22:00] Given just the world we live in now, which is insane. It is clown world. I will give you that, but this is the next step we are leveling up. We are leveling up. Yeah. So the point is, is when you look at like, what is the world we're actually living in now, like is the world where at tech companies.

You know, what is it like 98 percent at some of the major firms of the Fang companies, Facebook, Amazon, Google, et cetera are going to democratic politicians. We are in a world where people do not feel they can dissent anymore, where people know that what's being said is a lie. Like, for example, that in MSNBC did just like lie to people about what somebody else had said.

It. And then we're supposed to believe it or, or you just hear these constant lies that Democrats will say with such authority to them as if they're just 100 percent true. Like the one I always love because we have insider information on this is the Don't Say Gay Bill, which they were [00:23:00] like, this will prevent gay people from teaching in Florida.

This will prevent gay people from talking about their sexuality to their students or mentioning that they're gay to their students or mentioning who their partners are to their students. No, we know the person who crafted the bill. Before it left the Republican committee, it was edited to make sure it could never be interpreted that way.

And it never has been interpreted that way. So, but yet this is just like some mainstream interpretation that people would just go out there and tell you, like, as if it's a hundred percent true. And I see this constantly, they'll be like, Oh you know, Like, I love that Trump is a racist one, right?

Like, well, they'll just say this and I'm like, excuse me. Trump was a shock jock for some 15 years. Okay. Through many different political climates, regularly appearing on shows like the Howard Stern show. Okay. Where you would be. praised for saying controversial things, and he is somebody who seems to lack a basic level of self control.

Do you believe that if he regularly had racist thoughts, [00:24:00] we would not have a single one concretely on record? Seriously, that's a great point. Yeah, I think that's why so many people really like him, by the way, is that You know, if he has a thought, he will share it. There's no, I love, I'm like, I love it when I really press lefties up against a wall on this.

I'm like, either you think Trump is a man of enormous self discipline and self control, or you recognize that he is definitely not a racist. Get to choose one of these two options. Both of them can't be true. Yeah, he's a lot of things, but he's not a racist. And, but these narratives just get out there and then they're like, this is true and even fairly smart people.

We haven't aired this video with Tracy Woodgrain, but Tracy Woodgrain is a fairly smart guy. And he's like, well, I can't vote for Republicans because I'm gay. And like Republicans would be, I'm like, bro, you live in Manhattan. Okay. There is no gay Republican you can vote for there. Okay, what are you talking about?

And it's worse than [00:25:00] that. In the mainstream Republican RNC platform now, it doesn't even say that marriage is between a man and a woman anymore. The, the, the world has changed into what the two parties represent. One is a party that is about dictatorial control, and the other is a party about trying to reinvent the system.

With, with small sub factions that really want dictatorial control, it might have ruined everything. She, she, by the way, is speaking at some individuals at like the Heritage Foundation and stuff like that. Is that what you're talking about? Project 2024 is not going to go for Trump. 2025. Yeah. Except that the project 2025 served up one of the best pieces of material for Democrats for this election that they could have dreamed of.

Yeah. It makes the Republican party. Look unhinged and it theocratic and completely again, we, we, and I think that this is, this is on our generation [00:26:00] of right leaning influencers. The party must be purged of the old guard. These, they, they either need to know that these types of Umbridge, like we say that the Democrats are the party of Professor Umbridge, like they want to go around censoring everything.

Become a Democrat. Like that's your party now. Yeah. You want to go around giving, you know, government handouts to everyone. Go become a Democrat. Yeah. Right now I'm speaking specifically of what's his name again? Lyman stone, Lyman stone and the family Institute guy. A lot of these people are just like legacy Republicans.

I guess I call them in the same way. You have these like legacy Democrats where they don't represent the mainstream democratic party. All anymore. They don't represent the base at all anymore, but they believe that the democratic party is what it is in the nineties. And they get mad when people are like, this is not what they represent anymore.

Another great example of one of those stories where we're all just supposed to pretend like it doesn't happen. And yet everybody knows it does happen. And it provably happens is [00:27:00] illegal immigrants. Don't meaningfully vote in election cycles in a way that could sway major elections. And yet recently, for example, in Texas 6,500 plus. Illegal aliens were caught, registering to vote. With nearly 2000 caught voting. And it's worse than that. Because those 2000 were caught having registered in the past and having voted in previous election cycles. And that this catch only happened because of a recent house bill. , 1243 in Texas. So we know for a fact that not only have illegals been voting in election cycles, but they have been swinging past elections. And this is provable at this point.

And when we talk about the double thing, the double thing that you really got me with this morning, that was like so messed up with Tim Waltz being the mind your own damn business guy, which is like, so 1984, when this is a guy who implemented the [00:28:00] COVID snitch line in his state, where You could be arrested because, well, it was encouraged for you to call on your neighbors if they left their houses during COVID.

It could be arrested. This is the guy who made his state a sanctuary state for underage children with no bottom minimum age who wanted to become emancipated from their parents and transition. And we'll do another episode where we go further on, like, how crazy that is and all the deaths that have come from this nonsense.

But Yeah, I guess he's telling, basically, conservative families to mind your own damn business while the state takes their children away. Yeah, it's basically, basically when he says, mind your own damn business, it should be like a little political cartoon. Yeah, like him grabbing the kids, mind your own damn business.

Picking kids from a family, there's the families like crying, like, mind your own damn business. Basically though, I mean, I, I, I mean, no, it is, it is absolutely horrifying how far this has [00:29:00] gone and how much the parties have come aligned around an authoritarian axis and anti authoritarian access. And the, the media, and this is another thing that the media has entered this state now, where I heard this person saying this in a modern way, so I was like Also, just before you go forward, keep in mind also the, the CEO of, or the founder of Telegram, You know, also got arrested in France.

Oh, yeah, you're right. So what's, what's scary about this and something we should also be discussing is, is Explain why he got arrested so people know. He was arrested sort of on the grounds that Telegram was facilitating everything Well, yeah, but like they put it in the terms of sex trafficking and drugs and, you know, illegal stuff that because basically he didn't release information about users because Telegram is not fully encrypted.

That, you know, he, he's facilitating it and what, what's showing up here and what makes these incremental changes [00:30:00] uniquely worrying is that in the past, our conclusion has been, okay, don't worry about it. You can find your own people on social media, on platforms to follow, who will give you insights that you can trust.

And you're just going to have to established we call techno feudalism, where there's sort of trusted clusters of networks of people where you can trust them to know their domain. You all kind of follow each other. There's like this sort of network or community that's created of people with knowledge that, that is shared.

But now it appears to be that governments have decided to meddle with. The feudal lords of the techno feudalistic world and to take away their land, essentially to take away the platforms that they have used to communicate with people. Well, I mean, it's important to understand, like, what is this group that's doing this?

It is a cult, like we have talked about this in other episodes, but you should think of it not as a political faction, but as a cohesive cultural group that is a what is the word that they use for cults? Like high [00:31:00] impact, high demand, high demand religion. You constantly need to signal things that aren't true to not be attacked by it.

And when the media puts out there, when MSNBC puts out there something like that, that like is verifiably and easily verifiably not true, what they are telling you and what people like the reason why you have so many people in like these big fan companies donating to the Democrats is Do this. Think this.

everything. Very similar to like an inquisition, historically speaking, but more aggressive than any inquisition or witch hunt that was ever done by the church. Where they are going through. And what they essentially do to make sure that you are a mindless brainwashed slave creature to maintain your high level of position and keep in mind like in COVID the lady who was next in line to run Levi's was fired for saying we need to stop shutting down minority school districts.

This probably isn't doing any good. And now we know she was [00:32:00] right. She wasn't rehired, was she? So what they do is they do these insane things that are at odds with everything they've ever said they valued. Like, condemn minority students to a life of poverty by shutting down their only access to education to keep up this ridiculous charade of we have everything handled with COVID.

So they, they, they get in your face. And they say, like, will you lie about this? Like, they repeat a lie to you that's obviously a lie, and then they see if you repeat it. And if you don't repeat it, you lose everything. And that's where society has entered right now. And if you ever had any inclination, like, if you were ever the type of person where you're like, yeah, when the Nazis were taking over, you know, before they started genociding people, I would have stood up to them, okay?

Like, this is your chance to show that, yeah, you actually would have stood up to this. Because this group does sort humans [00:33:00] based on their ethnicity, okay? They do have an ethno hierarchy. We even know this during COVID, where vaccines were being distributed by the CDC in part based on ethnicity. Based on how marginalized a group was historically.

It may not have been the CDC. I think it might've been up to local municipalities, but they implemented those policies. Well, no, the CDC created a policy plan that said you should do that. And then the plan implemented by local municipalities. So people are able to say that nobody exactly forced anyone to do this, but it did happen.

And. This is horrifying and I, I, I like really encourage people to wake up to how deep down the fascist rabbit hole we already are. Simone, you recently had a realization where you came to me and you were like, I didn't realize how socialist America was. I'm actually looking at the numbers and we're not, Like a socialist country.

We are a not just [00:34:00] socialist country, but very socialist country. Yeah, that was, that was from lemon month where my subject of the month, this is a, an internal holiday that we have as techno Puritans where the month of May is dedicated to researching some, a subject that we find to be offensive and then sharing it with the family.

And I. I decided that communism was going to be my offensive subject because I'm, I was fairly ignorant to it. I mean, I now feel even more ignorant now that I've learned more. Right. But like, I decided to study it and that's how I realized, oh, we're, we're a pretty socialist state. Like on, on this, on the spectrum of pure capitalism to communism where no one is, no one is a communism.

We are. actually quite socialist. We're quite close to communism. We're closer to communism than capitalism. When I, you know, even, and separately from, from my lemon month research. I realized that our effective tax rate between state tax and, and federal taxes, also [00:35:00] closer to what I thought Europeans paid, you know, I used to think like, what is it like 70?

No, no, no. It's, it's 38%, but that's still a lot. You know, I felt like a Europeans, maybe like half of their money went to tax and they have, you know, socialized medicine and everything else. And like public transit that actually works, all sorts of things like that. And yeah. So I thought we paid less. The next problem that we have here is, so sorry, the, the, the point I was making is, is when you're like, Oh, this is actually kind of like leaning towards a communist state at this point.

If we have fascism on one side and a functional democracy on the other side, we are now past the halfway mark to living in a fascist country. That is what we have here. Pretty much every major media platform is colluding to lie to you, and there are no repercussions for this. And in addition to that, one of the mainstream political presidential candidates is [00:36:00] saying they want to implement this more in the United States, right after it was leaked that they had forced major media platforms to ban true stories.

And then after that, the person who is telling you all this was selected for her position by party elites without having to hold a primary. Well, and here's what adds insult to injury. One, most fascist governments seem to end up with really fantastic uniforms. I'm not seeing any here. Where's the fashion?

Two, usually fascist governments get stuff done. You know, at least you could say that about, you know, China, say what you will, but the CCP can get stuff done. You know, just say like, sorry, this is how it's going to be new policy, but I'm not seeing that here. Oh, sorry, sweetheart. You thought we were moving China?

No, we're moving Argentina fascists. So, if you look at the way that you're like, oh, we don't have good infrastructure here. How is that possible given where we are?

Great video on [00:37:00] this recently. It's called the million dollar bathroom bathroom that San Francisco was spending money on. And it was about why infrastructure costs are so expensive in the United States. And to give you an idea, God, what was the example they use? It was just shocking. It was something like a one subway in.

One major U. S. city cost as much as a subway between two major European cities. Like two state capitals or something. Like country capitals, I mean. Like, huge difference. And the answer is, is that in Europe, they are able to hire construction teams from different countries. Oh, within the EU. Yeah, it was in the U and in the United States, they're not in the United States.

You have to hire everything locally to these giant unions and they're all being contracted by these local politicians. If I was put in the Trump white house, one of the first things I would do is focus on creating a federal ban against of hirings. Cause it would be very easy [00:38:00] to end this, but right now, because almost nobody votes in these small local elections, they're able to just own them and pump, pump, pump.

It costs, I think on a per dollar basis. 8X what it does in Europe to build something in the United States. And it is because of this Argentinian style corruption that the Democrats are complicit in and exacerbating. And that's what you see happening with Kamala Harris right now. Is a, a, a move towards an Argentinian style government in the United States without really free elections anymore.

And with extreme amounts of government cronyism. That's a really interesting point. I hadn't thought and actually, I'm just encountering that with the business we run today and that I'm, I'm making a proposal to do business with a New Jersey based entity, but we're a Delaware based LLC that operates in Pennsylvania and I had to pay.

Almost 200 to register to do business in the state of New Jersey. And just put my entire afternoon, like going through [00:39:00] the various, like paperwork and nonsense just to register. And it's, it's, it's a state, like we're in the same country. Why do I have to write next door to us too? Like our employees live there.

Like the amount of paperwork was, was really crazy. And I wonder if it would have been easier if I was in the EU working in cross countries. Maybe. Hmm. But the point being is that the United States is increasingly becoming captured by these types of players in a way that is going to prevent our government from functioning and the collapse will be significantly faster if Kamala wins.

Like, I am actually getting, when I look at her VP pick, when I look at the authoritarian history she has, so we've done a video on this, but for people who don't know, like, just how authoritarian her mindset is. Two instances, which often get conflated by Republicans, but really need to be delineated as two separate incidences.

One is in one incident, she was running for I forget what office. But it [00:40:00] was found that there was a leak in her Her crime lab, and she was supposed to notify a bunch of inmates that their cases could be overturned. And she refused to do it until after the election was over. So she did admit there was a mistake.

She just wanted to wait until the election was over so she could, could secure the police commission. What was it like? I can't remember their, their recommendations so that she could win their endorsement. Yeah. So she kept people in prison. Most of them were black people in prison so that she could win an election and for no other reason.

In a separate incident, the Supreme court said that her prison system had become a human rights violation and that she had to release people. And her response to this was I need them for my fire brigades. I'm sorry. I need them for work. Like I'm using them as a free labor source. Yeah. The problem is, is that if she had freed them and hired them, it would be less expensive.

But her entire worldview, top to bottom, is authoritarian. It doesn't matter that it's less expensive for her not to own these slaves. Because what [00:41:00] are they other than human slaves if they're being demanded to be released from prison? And she's like, I need my forced labor force. Doesn't matter that it's more economically efficient.

It would disrupt her way of life as a plantation owner. I mean, what else is she at this point? Right? Like. It also shows how she will hide things from constituent groups in order to win an election and then do things that disappoint them. Because obviously if she eventually. Released this leak in the crime lab that disappointed the police force that endorsed her then they'd be pissed she she didn't do right by them.

But yeah, I mean, no, no, it's okay She got off a few police officers who shot people under very questionable circumstances Good for her, I guess. Tim Walz actually did the same thing. That was one of his major controversies as well. Mm hmm. It's very interesting how pro cop Tim and Kamala are. I mean, obviously I don't know how pro cop they are.

I mean, Tim Walz's wife famously opened her window during Black Lives Matter riots so that she could smell the smoke from [00:42:00] the burning buildings. So, I don't know how That is horrible. Horrifying. Those are people's business. I know. I know. That's, that's why Republicans love to make that point about her.

Supposed to be protecting those people. But I mean, this is what I talk about when I say it's a cult that has taken over our country. You should see nothing other than living in a medieval. Theocratic state. Well, this is why people are preparing more and more to kind of go off the grid. And we're seeing this happen.

We're seeing, for example, in the medical world, people shifting away from. Sort of having a primary care doctor through their insurance to getting direct primary care that they pay a subscription for just personally out of pocket because they don't trust what the medical establishment is giving them and, you know, all these people going for alternative health things and people getting into permaculture and homesteading, and I think a lot of people are just stuck.

Intuitively starting to expect that they can no longer [00:43:00] depend on governments in the U. S. and outside the U. S. as well for their well being. And They're it's, it's good. I don't know. Part of me, it's, it's, I don't think it is explicit when they start banning these major platforms. When they make everybody realize that if you invest any money and you are successful at what you're doing, they will ban you don't worry.

There's a bit, you can always turn to her, but when anyone can figure out what the fuck it is. And by the way, a fun video to do is why didn't the Twitter alternatives work? Do you remember like when everybody was sky and masked it on? Yeah. What they realize, and I think that this is the truth of why they didn't work, to give the thesis away.

Is the value of Twitter to the left? Was that they could force people to listen to their insane takes. And as soon as they entered cloistered platforms like Mastodon or platforms, or it's just other lefties, they could no longer Lord the power that the way Twitter was hierarchically arranged artificially gave them to [00:44:00] force their belief systems on other people.

And, and then when they realize that they're like, Oh, I should just go back into traditional media. And of course, traditional media Humming because it's all falling apart. The thing that gets me about all this is naturally because everybody now knows the media lies, they go to channels like ours, right?

Because everyone knows that, oh, you know, this source is bad. This source is bad. They're going to independent sources. And so I think a lot of people on the right had this perception of. Well, eventually everyone's just going to wake up and move to the free press, right? But Both the Berrywise publication and just generally independent knowledge people, right?

Yeah. Okay. Simultaneously, we are now seeing the left realize, Oh, everyone's leaving these other platforms, we need to ban them from doing anything else. Yeah. Listen, it's a good thing. I would say it's a good thing that people are being shaken awake to the fact that platforms are going to be censored, they will [00:45:00] come and go, you know, Telegram CEO is going to be arrested, X is going to be banned in various countries, and people need to be very fluid in the way that they move from platform to platform, and that's why we're moving to techno feudalism.

Where it isn't a platform specific thing. I mean, as much as it will be undermined by people taking away platforms, like I said, you know, with orbit and other alternatives, there are ways for distributed networks of people to communicate and work together. I strongly disagree with you. Really? Strongly disagree with you.

Yeah. I think we need big, big companies to facilitate our communication. Yes, you do. It's something called a natural monopoly. We studied it in business school. They are incredibly difficult to compete with or disrupt. So natural monopolies happen whenever you have, Two sided marketplaces, especially of the independent actors, like a communications platform or a search engine or a there's a bunch of different instances in which they happen and they always end up with 89 percent of people [00:46:00] using it on one platform.

Like the number always ends there and then the next platform. We'll have like 8 percent and then the next platform will have like, it's like a logarithmically smaller number. Yeah, but you're, you're assuming the continuation of a globalized communication world. And maybe it will be. No, no. What I'm saying is there is no communication world.

If the global communication world shuts down. Not really. We'll go back to what things used to be, which was social networks. No, that's not the way things used to be. What it used to be is that the, you had a news media organizations and people would turn on their television and they buy their newspaper.

No Malcolm. I'm thinking back to the Victorian era and before I'm thinking back to even before the era of magazines, I'm thinking about how people communicated back then. Okay. Okay. So what you're saying is people are safe communicating within one off social, small social networks. You mean on a platform like signal.

That's exactly the type of thing they're targeting in less than the [00:47:00] point. That's why I keep talking about orbit. The point of some alternative platforms is that they are distributed and not run that there's a few janky distributed platforms out there. No one is using them. Well, they'll have to in the future.

No, but the point I'm making is no one is using them. And the moment they become a credible threat to the people in positions of power right now, they will be shut down or criminalized in the same way that joining Twitter with a VPN is criminalized. Yeah. And yet having a radio that you were listening to, you know, the BBC in Nazi occupied France was also criminalized in France at the time.

And people still totally. you know, boarded up their windows and listen to their radio. The French resistance didn't free France. Yeah. So Simone, this isn't a good argument. I'm just, if they're like, like people in occupied France, no, you fight [00:48:00] back, but I'm not saying it's ideal. I'm saying it's, what's going to have to happen.

No, it doesn't have to happen. Okay. Well then what are you going to do? Go to Mars? No, what you do is you do everything you can to make sure that we get a Trump administration. Then we do everything to can, we can to make sure people like us are working in that administration so we can build systems that systematically dismantle their ability to ever enforce something like this again.

It can be done. It just requires one sweep of the White House. But the number one thing that can not happen is a Kamala Harris victory. I'm, I'm pretty sure that's what we're going to have. So, You know, everyone gets to go back and look at this and see who is right. Was Simone right? And did Kamala Harris win?

That, no, no, no. Hold on, you're saying, I'm saying to maintain our freedom. Yeah, you're saying Trump has to win for a few, yeah, but I'm just saying, I'm not saying he is going to win. I'm saying for our freedom. You are making the claim that we can maintain our freedom. Some semblance of freedom, even [00:49:00] if the cult continues to consume some of the data.

No, I'm doing what we have to, I'm saying what we have to do, which is that come Black Friday, we buy our AR 15s, we buy our ammo, I already have our water filtration system, you know, we're gonna, You know, I'm going to cave to our, our smarter than me fans. And we'll just start milling our own grain. You know, you know what we have to have, but we need to have like a fan in the discord, like a fan meetup map for when things hit the fan for the network, the underground railroad, where people can like stop on their way to freedom.

Yes. But it has to be like, I don't know. I, I, I'm not familiar with geocaching, but obviously it has to be more treasure mapping. And the good thing about us is we have a big enough public profile that if we were ever banned, even off of all platforms, people would immediately one know that it had happened because we do daily episodes.

And two, we would find somewhere to be able to tag where our new primary location was. We now do Rumble as well on most days but I really don't like the [00:50:00] platform, and I don't think that it's particularly safer than YouTube if it becomes successful, so it's not relevant. We're supposed to be posting on X, but it's very hard to post videos to X.

You can't do title cards, so you need to re upload them, and I've been meaning to have you posted any of them? I, I posted, I posted one. It's just X's, it doesn't seem like it's a place for long form comment. I know pe content. I know people post whole documentaries there and I've watched whole documentaries there, but it just isn't a great format for it.

X Twitter was always for short form content. But I know we should, I'll get to it. It's transforming as a platform into the only free platform left. Yeah, I'll get to it. I'm sorry, guys, this is my fault. No, no, it's my fault. As our son Octavian says, please life and describe, which means please like and describe.

And if you could leave a five star review on iTunes, it would mean a lot to us. You know we're at 50 now? 50 five star reviews. Yeah. Oh my gosh. If you're one of the 50 people who did that, [00:51:00] thank you. Not five star but 50 reviews. Well, all right. Fuck you. If you made a three star or two star or one star review for us.

Four stars. I mean, why did you bother? Five stars. Thank you. Why did you bother? I love it. So when we released our book. First book. The first review we got was from your dad. And it was a four star review. You're my daughter. I don't want to be biased. Thanks dad. All right. Love you to death Simone. I love you too, gorgeous.

Okay. Which one's the next one? Good, all right, good, thanks. Lost two episodes due to bad recording quality. I don't know if we're going to redo them or what. God, I'm sorry.

Hey, I will jump right into this cause this is absolutely crazy that any of this is happening. I'm excited. Let's do it.

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Based Camp | Simone & Malcolm
Based Camp | Simone & Malcolm Collins
Based Camp is a podcast focused on how humans process the world around them and the future of our species. That means we go into everything from human sexuality, to weird sub-cultures, dating markets, philosophy, and politics.
Malcolm and Simone are a husband wife team of a neuroscientist and marketer turned entrepreneurs and authors. With graduate degrees from Stanford and Cambridge under their belts as well as five bestselling books, one of which topped out the WSJs nonfiction list, they are widely known (if infamous) intellectuals / provocateurs.
If you want to dig into their ideas further or check citations on points they bring up check out their book series. Note: They all sell for a dollar or so and the money made from them goes to charity.