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You almost got there. Yes, the financial costs and health costs that businesses and government have shifted onto families are enormous. But they are not the worst thing.

Think about the psychological effects on the children. Then roll forward twenty-five years to when those infants become adults, and consider the consequences.

Daycare is the reason the urban monoculture is the way it is: the cluster B psychological disorders (and the schizoid withdrawal and apathy in the case of males), the incessant clamor for safety and the mass psychological delusions sweeping through young people.

But most importantly, the inability to form adult relationships. Read up on John Bowlby's infant attachment theory. If infants are deprived of an intimate relationship with their mother (the politically correct term is "primary caregiver", but let's be real), they do not learn to regulate their emotions and they do not form a proper sense of self.

Then read up on adult attachment theory, which basically says that your ability to pair-bond, and your behaviour in attempting to pair-bond, is a function of your experiences as an infant and child.

Daycare is why women are anxious, men won't commit, everyone is on behavior-regulating drugs, and no-one can find a partner. Daycare.

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