You get two, maybe three, comments on your articles, but you never reply or acknowledge them. What is the point of your posting articles? When someone responds to your articles, how about some interaction?

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in sweden this effect doesn't seem present at all. the highest income quartile has double the tfr of lowest quartile.

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"Is Idiocracy Coming?"

In the United States, it sure appears we are well on our way to Idiocracy. One only has to look at the presidential contenders or the current president and the people who support them. As obvious as it is, a large number of people do not understand that the electoral process does not function in the United States.

Human intelligence is the only trait that differentiates us from other animals. For humanity to ascend, intelligence must increase. Here is a list of what I consider to be some other critical human traits:

Integrity, inquisitiveness, intuitiveness, industriousness, insight, inspiration, imagination, inventiveness, and intentness. I am a strong supporter of embryo selection, genetic enhancement, and psychometrics.

'Intelligence is the most important thing of all to understand, more important than the origin of the universe, more important than climate change, more important than curing cancer, more important than anything else. That is because human intelligence is our major adaptive function, and only by optimizing it will we be able to save ourselves and other living things from ultimate destruction.' -

Douglas Detterman ‘16

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