
In this episode, Simone and Malcolm Collins discuss a recent Salon article that heavily criticizes their views on pronatalism, egalitarian marriage, and conservative ideologies. They delve into multiple misrepresentations and factual inaccuracies presented by Amanda Marcotte. The couple questions the efficacy of programs like Head Start, advocates for more parental control over education funds, and reacts to allegations of misogyny and eugenics. Additionally, they touch upon Trump administration policies, conservative stances on daycare regulations, and how their personal experiences with childcare shape their viewpoints.

Simone Collins: [00:00:00] Despite the couple's empty claims to have an egalitarian marriage, they admit Simone Collins does most of the childcare and housework , with the usual false claims that women are intrinsically better at these tasks. Bitch, how many men do you know? Who can really, really can do laundry and dishes and cleaning house well.

The type of men who she pegs

Malcolm Collins: do.

It's all consensual, okay? Let's be clear. It's not that I don't keep my wife in chains, or bark orders at her, or tell her what to do, or make her make my food, or do most of the cleaning in the house, or handle our livestock, but I'm a feminist, which means I also force you to earn most of our money.

Would you like to know more?

Malcolm Collins: Hello, Simone. It's exciting to be here with you today. We have news articles about us all the time. Just yesterday, we had a big feature in the Washington Post. But and news features, honestly, often mischaracterize us, and I've come to expect that from the mainstream media.

But [00:01:00] we had one from Salon on us recently that was the most It almost felt like the person writing it was screaming the entire time they were writing instead of, like, actually writing it.

Simone Collins: Yeah, the Right. The author, Amanda Marcotte, just seemed kind of unhinged through the whole thing. Like, just Her picture

Malcolm Collins: on Twitter is, by the way, her cat.

But I wanted to get an understanding of, like, before we get into this, because this is just going to be amazing. Like, it is amazing, this feast. When I got my Google Alert on this, It said, Malcolm Collins, who fantasizes about his wife dying in pregnancy. And then to, to hit that point home, they use the quote where I said you know, my wife does put her life at risk with every pregnancy, and that's something that I appreciate.

And Of course, the point I'm making there is I appreciate how hard pregnancy is for women and that there are real risks. Oh,

Simone Collins: [00:02:00] sorry. No, no, no. Malcolm, you're a white man. There's no way you can win this. But actually, I found the article so objectionable, I want to go through it line by line. Because one, I think anyone will find it entertaining.

Two, I think it exemplifies a lot of ways that the left misstates pro natalism. And also just what the Trump administration and conservatives in general are doing anyway. Well, so I don't

Malcolm Collins: know. Okay, so you got to get this from the Trump administration. We need to set the record

Simone Collins: straight. We need to set The lovely

Malcolm Collins: young press person who Trump has right now

Speaker: I was, uh, made aware. of the funding from USAID to media outlets, including Politico, who I know has a seat in this room. Uh, and I can confirm that the more than 8 million taxpayer dollars that have gone to essentially subsidizing subscriptions to Politico on the American taxpayer's dime will no longer be happening.

Uh, the DOJ team is working on canceling those payments now. Again, this is a whole of government effort to ensure that we are going line by line. When it comes to the federal government's [00:03:00] books, and this president and his team are making decisions across the board on do these receipts serve the interests of the American people?

Is this a good use of the American taxpayers money? If it is not, that funding will no longer be sent abroad and American taxpayers will see significant savings because of that effort.

Malcolm Collins: so don't be expecting that money anymore. That is amazing. We have since found that they had been funding anti Gamergate stuff. We found that they were funding anti Lives of TikTok stuff. We found yeah, we'll have a separate episode. I really want to collect all the receipts on this because this is like this huge scandal, but the, the, they put.

Sent 4 million to the New York Times. What are they doing that for? This is, this is where the USA, this is where your tax dollars were going to create all of this nonsense. As we've also shown, Reddit largely astroturfed by the Fed as well. Wokeism doesn't exist. That's why the one thing the Fed forgot to do is to put a layout up for some money to buy these video games.

That the [00:04:00] companies were making for this audience. One of my favorite things that Asma Gold did recently, another guy was talking about this, the guy we have a big overlap with, the little troll guy. Anyway this really was like all of this pushback, all of this insanity that came for our video games.

Never should have, never should have touched the video games. That's when they crossed the line. That was when they crossed the line. We were all just in our rooms, not political, game for the video games. But I want to get to this piece because this piece is insane.

Simone Collins: Yeah, so it is titled, Elon Musk's War on Head Start Childhood Education Exposes How Quote unquote Pronatalists Are Really Anti Woman.

So, let's go into it. Thank you, Amanda Marcotte, for that beautiful, beautiful oh, oh, amazing. And actually, the subtitle of this article quotes you Malcolm, quote, you do not want to give money to women, unquote, declared one leader of the movement to make more babies. Beautiful, beautiful.

I'm going to start with the section that [00:05:00] focuses on us, because it will better demonstrate to our audience how intentionally lying the author of this article is writing for a mainstream newspaper, which I think will be shocking to you, because if you aren't close to a subject of a piece, you can sometimes think, well, maybe the truth is in between.

Maybe they're just being bombastic. And I think this shows just how just straight lies pretty much everything you read in something like Salon is.

On Tuesday, the Washington Post published the approximately billionth profile of Simone and Malcolm Collins, whose entire existence is built around getting soft focus media coverage meant to represent, misrepresent the toxicity of their natalist ideology.

Okay, first off, that's insulting, because we actively try To, to

bring in

negative, like, negative coverage. We, we ask people, like, when journalists come, we're like, Hey, make this controversial, or no one's gonna read it. So, soft focus, excuse me? [00:06:00] Ouch. She continues, The two are thin, wear nerdy glasses, and repeatedly swear up and down that they're neither racist nor sexist, which is often credulous audiences to code them as, quote, liberal, unquote, or at least not MAGA.

We are the most MAGA! Why does she have to point out that we're thin? Like, one, is thin just a sign that we're evil? Like in Star Trek Troopers?

Malcolm Collins: Being fit, being thin, going to a gym, people talk about all of these as like negative signs. It's like, there's like posts about how to know if your kid is getting influenced by red pill ideology.

And it's like, is he working out? Is he masturbating less? I don't know.

Simone Collins: Cause she talks about how we wear nerdy glasses and are thin and, and therefore people think that we're liberal. I think she thinks that MAGA people are fat. Which also doesn't make sense. I don't know, but anyway, very strange. And, She says, But of course, the ruse is a millimeter thick.

And not just because they love [00:07:00] Donald Trump. Despite the couple's empty claims to have an egalitarian marriage, they admit Simone Collins does most of the childcare and housework , with the usual false claims that women are intrinsically better at these tasks. Bitch, how many men do you know? Who can really, really can do laundry and dishes and cleaning house well.

The type of men who she pegs

Malcolm Collins: do.

Simone Collins: The

Malcolm Collins: type of men who she pegs do. I mean, Malcolm, I love you, but you're just so bad. You're so bad at it. And then she becomes just like, Wait, you're supposed to use Soap in that and I'm like, it looks fine without it. Look, it smells literally,

Simone Collins: literally Malcolm's response.

When I like hold something up and I'm like, this is unacceptable. He's like, it's not going to make you sick. That is his excuse. That is his standard of cleaning. His standard of cleanliness is. Will it make you sick? If not, it's fine. [00:08:00] So I'm glad you understand,

Malcolm Collins: Simone. So disgusting. I can't,

Simone Collins: I can't. By the way, also we do, and like, this is also a complete misstatement.

You, like a big common thing that we constantly show, and this is very well documented, is that the only reason I chose to have kids was because you were willing to always do 100 percent up to 100 percent of the child care. I never

Malcolm Collins: did anything. That's not true. You still, you always take the

Simone Collins: kids to the doctor.

You always pick them up. You always drive them around. You're the one who takes them to all these things. You go to all the parent meeting things. I don't do that. And we, we, you know, I, I handle a lot of in house stuff because that's what's easiest for me to handle. And it's. It bothers me that she says this but we do obviously find that we, we, as a couple, and this is not universal, tend to gravitate toward more feminine and masculine roles.

Malcolm Collins: It's not true that women are better at cleaning and doing laundry. And I'm like, well, I don't [00:09:00] know what. What women you've dated, but I have found that they are much better at those tasks.

Simone Collins: Yeah, I,

Malcolm Collins: I, I don't Do you think this, this woman just like lives in a pigsty? Like she lives like Asmogold or something?

I mean April just crawling over her bed.

Simone Collins: Well, she seems just like artsy. She seems

Malcolm Collins: married, by the way. She, she looks like she's married old. She's she compared to the way she dresses. It's really uncomfortable. Like Simone thought she was trans at first. Because she looks really if we're going to talk about looks here.


Simone Collins: welcome. I know she wasn't like

Malcolm Collins: 55 year old pretending to be a 23 year old.

Simone Collins: Malcolm, I'm the one who looks like the Crypt Keeper. Like, let's be honest.

I, you know. Oh, no, she doesn't have a husband. She has a boyfriend. Wait, in 2024, her boyfriend is Mark Foletti, who, quote, owns a record store called Latchkey in Philadelphia. And that she has three cats. She is the mother of three cats.

Malcolm Collins: Mother of three cats. She birthed these [00:10:00] cats.

Simone Collins: I imagine She believes that, Female skill with cooking and cleaning is entirely societally based. She's probably a blank slate ist. I'm gonna think. And it's You know, we were much more blank slate ists until we had kids. Admit it. You know this to be true.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah, even knowing the research. I didn't understand how much your personality is cooked

Simone Collins: Yeah,

Malcolm Collins: we're like whoa personality and gender are completely cooked in at birth.

It is it is shocking if you have kids

Simone Collins: Yeah, it is it is. Yeah, I think that's why it's really hard to come across a parent of Three plus kids and, and have them espouse play latest. 'cause they're like, ah, nope. And you, you get a different role of the DI bet she's got a blank latest when it comes to

Malcolm Collins: cats.

She's like, cat, that's a really funny thing. Cat's personality is at birth. It's just humans. Yeah.

Simone Collins: People talking about like dog braids being like, yeah, humans blink slightest. And they like spend tons of time talking about different dog braids and how they're like, okay, continue, continue with breeds. Right.

They also brag about how much money they put into [00:11:00] genetic testing and IVF treatments to get the best babies, which is not only overtly eugenicist, but cuts against their claim that they want everyone to have more babies. Most people neither have the money or time to spend on such nonsense.

Malcolm Collins: She wants us using this experimental technology on poor children.

First, that's, that's the key. No one should ever use this.

Simone Collins: Because this is only something that evil mad scientists use because she doesn't understand the technology and one she doesn't understand what eugenics is because any couple personally looking at a variety of different traits and deciding on which embryos to have first based on those is clearly not practicing eugenics, which by definition, look at the Wikipedia article requires a belief that there are good and bad genes and also a belief that you should maximize and minimize Those genes respectively on a society wide level, which we're very vehemently against, but she would never take that time to understand that that would, that would require too much time away from the cast.

Malcolm Collins: We support Trump, we must be [00:12:00] Nazis. That's the way, if you disagree with these people politically, you're immediately a Nazi.

Simone Collins: Apparently. No, but continue,

Malcolm Collins: continue.

Simone Collins: She writes the post profile overlooked it but hope not hate Doug even deeper and found the couple has suggested women not be allowed to own property lambasted programs to reduce racial discrimination and hiring and falsely suggested IQ scores are dropping as the US population becomes more racially diverse.

Okay, so we've got

Malcolm Collins: every one of these points. It's fictional. So, well, not, not everyone. One of them is just true, but like, obviously, like, first of all she goes on to be like, look at the Flynn effect. IQ is rising. And I'm like, the reverse Flynn effect has been a phenomenon since the 80s. Well, no, she's,

Simone Collins: she, but she's of the same mindset of the population bomb.

Like, clearly she, like, Took in all the information shortly after she was born and then like went offline.

Malcolm Collins: No, clearly. 'cause she was born in the twenties. No, she was born in

Simone Collins: 1977.

Malcolm Collins: Oh, she what? Wait, really? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. [00:13:00] Well, okay. So anyway, she so first we have never. ever said that IQ is dropping because of racial differences in the country.

We said it's because dumb people are having more kids than smart people. We're very idiocracy about this. Like, it's not less offensive, but just get the offensive thing right. It's not an ethno thing. Then what was the, the other oh, yes, that I said that women shouldn't be allowed to have money.

No, the property. And that was

Simone Collins: based on looking at the results of, I think, Swedish lottery winners and the

Malcolm Collins: entire episode that that's based on. The point of it was that this data should not be taken to mean that women shouldn't be allowed to own property. But that specifically, if you are doing cash handouts, the actual quote line that she took.

Came from a right before that I said, if you are doing government cash handouts intended to increase fertility rates, don't give the money to women. Where she then took that to mean women shouldn't be allowed to own money. The intentionally like this is salon. This is the mainstream [00:14:00] organization intentionally lying to and attempting to manipulate the reader.

And then what was the other point in here? She had three, I remember,

Simone Collins: Own property. Oh, we lambasted programs to reduce racial discrimination. Yes, DEI!

Malcolm Collins: We hate DEI! Everybody hates DEI! What's wrong with you? You're asking me to be anti DEI and being pro racist. DEI is racism. It's a systemic system for discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, and sexual preference.

That's racism!

Simone Collins: Amanda and the cats vehemently disagree with you. Okay, okay. Okay. So what else does she say? Yeah, right. She, she believes the Flynn effect. Quote, you do not want to give money to women. Unquote, Malcolm Collins declared on one podcast. And he specifically,

Malcolm Collins: if you want to increase fertility rates and you're a government, you do not want to give money to women.

What's the full line there. But anyway, continue. [00:15:00]

Simone Collins: She continues. But what's viscerally creepy in the post report is how fixated the couple is on imagining Simone's death and childbirth. Quote, quote, I'm happy to die in labor, she declared dramatically, an especially weird statement because she delivered all four of her children via c section.

Yeah, lady, you know that many layers of you cut open, it's kind of dangerous.

Malcolm Collins: Does she not think that birth is like, I actually am genuinely wondering like, what's her point? Does she not think that birth is risky or does she not think, well, maybe she thinks C

Simone Collins: sections either she acknowledges that C sections are risky and is like, why is she being so blase about the fact that she's doing this risky thing?

Or she thinks that C sections are not risky in which case. She's not aware of what happens in like major surgeries. And there's always some kind of complications. Something you could start hemorrhaging, you know, it's, it's not a huge risk, but it's a risk. And the point that one, I didn't say dramatically, I said, a matter of fact, and two, it was in the context of [00:16:00] us explaining, trying to sort of frame that we, we have values in life and are willing to die for something.

I don't think Amanda Marcotte is willing to die for anything because I don't think that she really has any inherent values aside from Rob, if she has values that are like. Above just her immediate comfort and interests and needs. It would probably be something vaguely tied to negative utilitarianism.

Malcolm Collins: No, no, no, no, no. No, this is somebody who believes that our government is literally being taken over by Nazis right now. So you can see exactly what she would do if her government was being taken over by Nazis.

Nothing. Which means that she has no value system. She, she just makes

Simone Collins: money from shilling articles about how the government is being taken over money. Well, how

Malcolm Collins: is she going to make any money now that USAID is shut down? We now know that they were funding all this shit. Like, how is she going to make any money?

How's she going to be? But no, I want to I mean, clearly the salon doesn't have fact checkers anymore, which is nice. You know, just. Get rid of all [00:17:00] that. Times are tough, Malcolm.

Simone Collins: Anyway, she, she talks about you. Malcolm Collins also fantasizes about his currently pregnant wife's death, seemingly gloating that, quote, she's putting her life on the line, unquote.

They deliberately inject unnecessary physical suffering into her pregnancies, including the use of IVF, an incredibly taxing and painful process, for the strict purpose of genetic engineering. Lady, I can't have kids. Naturally. I can't have, I am infertile.

Malcolm Collins: Like, unnecessarily? This, this, you could read our Wikipedia article and know this.

Like, this is not, this does not require much research to know. Did she guess? Like, did she think, Huh, I should probably check if she's infertile. Cause this is going to be really bad if I said that her husband is forcing her to do this. And it turns out that no, her husband is actually undergoing pretty big sacrifices because she's doing this.

And that, how can you, how can you be so delusional to not see when a husband is [00:18:00] like, I appreciate the sacrifice of my wife is making from that statement and instead think that I am like getting like excited about the idea of my wife dying?

I want to be very, very clear here. I do not get excited about the idea of my wife dying only turned on. Um, I'm joking.

We gotta have them, we gotta have them clip that.

Wow, you are just giving people so many beautiful little Breadcrumbs here.

Simone, Simone, Simone. Do not. No, but also future biofuel.

Simone Collins: I'm just also IVF. IVF is not an incredibly taxing and painful process. I repeat, it is not the only time I've cried during IVF and this is true.

So financially IVF is extremely painful is because of the [00:19:00] money. I've, I've cried in the doctor's offices because of the money. Simone,

Malcolm Collins: I've seen those needles you do. The only reason it's not painful for you is because your mind is built like a tank. You're like a, a sidekick that like goes in for me and then beats up an entire room and you're like, that was easy.

These needles, the needle part is like this big to go all the way into the muscle, their intramuscular

Simone Collins: injections. Yeah, you do it

Malcolm Collins: every day. You're for like a month.

Simone Collins: No,

Malcolm Collins: I think longer

Simone Collins: than a month went on forever. The last time I'm obviously doing it now, but I figured out the trick. And by the way, if you're doing these intramuscular injections, especially if your house is a little bit cold and ours is sit for an hour with the vial in your pocket.

Or in your bra, if you're wearing one to warm it up and you will not have the long term pain. So I used to think that you had to inject yourself and then massage in the oil. And I would still be sore like the entire next day at the [00:20:00] injection site. No, the, the oil just needs to be warm. You need to inject warm oil and just body temperature warms like it makes it so much less uncomfortable.

But to your point about

Malcolm Collins: this hurt for days afterwards, you're doing this for months. You you, you

Simone Collins: go through, yes, but it's yes I do. So she, she writes about this and she says, I'm hold on,

Malcolm Collins: clearly I'm gloating about it. And yes, he says he even brags about her ability

Simone Collins: to withstand pain and gore. It's just an amped up version of the same romanticization of female sacrifice.

It's endemic in conservative circles where what makes women good is how much self subjugation she can endure. No, like what's actually going on between us is we are nerds. Okay. And we did full genomic sequences on nebula genomics and I have to pull up the screenshots. But Malcolm's polygenic score for, for pain tolerance.

Is exceedingly low.

Malcolm Collins: It's like 1 percent and you're just like I flick you and you're like, I've been maimed! No, hold on, [00:21:00] no, so, no, so on, so on, so on, so on, so on. What she's referencing here is in the original piece they got some stuff wrong, I didn't mind, I like the piece. This is the Wall Street Post piece.

It, it mentioned that you were a vegetarian, which you're not, you basically are, but you're not like, Functionally, I don't eat meat. I don't eat meat occasionally. But that you handle the dead animals around the house. Like if you have to kill a chicken or something, like I don't do that. And you were cooking steak for the family and putting like red bloody steak on the table and chopping it up despite being a quote unquote vegetarian.

You were doing it for the guest and your husband. Oh yeah. So yeah, it was probably

Simone Collins: kind of, and so

Malcolm Collins: she's here like, Oh, these conservative men who glorify a woman who can chop up and cook a good steak. I do glorify that. I do. That's hot. Simone. No,

Simone Collins: there were, there were two things. One is we'd received as a very generous birthday gift, a giant, like, giant cut of Wagyu beef.

And I was, at the time we had a journalist visiting, slicing the beef into individual servings that we very carefully wrapped and froze because we couldn't eat it all at [00:22:00] once. We were doing like half a cow this day. Yeah, so there was like, there was a lot of meat on the table. And, and Malcolm was, he's not big on like meat and muscle.

A little aside. When this was happening Torsten, our son was like, what is this? Cause it's this giant, like slab of meat. And I'm like, well, this is, this is the muscle of a cow. So, you know, someone killed a cow, put a hammer in its head and it killed it. And then they cut it into pieces and, and we were gifted this piece and we're going to eat it.

And he's like, mommy, are you going to, are you going to. Eat my meat. like, no, don't eat. You're too

Malcolm Collins: small. You're too small. It's not that you wouldn't eat as a meat. He's just, you gotta, you gotta like the wicked witch you are. He set him up a

Simone Collins: bit first. He was so practical about it. He is like. Oh, like, so I was explaining, like, you know, all of us have muscle, like, this is on all of us, and we eat the muscle of some other animals, and like, it's something you need to be aware of and, because I want our kids to know, you should never eat anything that you wouldn't be willing to [00:23:00] kill, and I just thought that was so cute.

But anyway, so the journalist noted that like Malcolm kind of had no interest in working with raw meat and most people don't have a lot of interest in working with raw meat and then secondarily we're nerds and your polygenic score for pain tolerance is very low and also my polygenic score for I think it's in the 98th percentile like I'm able to tolerate Immense amounts of pain.

And that is a thing that we really appreciate because obviously it's easier to push through hard things.

Malcolm Collins: She'll like take things from the oven without mitts and stuff like that. Pull things out of boiling water. You're causing damage to your hands. Right? Like when I,

Simone Collins: when I, when I hurt myself, like everyone else, it's like.

Band Aids and all and

Malcolm Collins: like, I just take a paper towel and some like tape, some packing tape and I'm like, stop supplementing can keep going

deep gashes too. She'll like come into her room was like paper towel, like tape to her hand, just a flesh wound.


Simone Collins: So yeah, it's again, just [00:24:00] misstated. We're just playful and we appreciate the traits that we have.

She continues. The cons is. Frequently speak at pronatalist events, which also do a poor job of concealing the true bigoted agenda under all this happy baby talk. As Gabby DelVal reported in Politico last spring, this year's needle, this year's NeedleCon, that was actually the last. One that happened in 2023 a mostly male audience, many of whom, quote, are childless themselves, unquote, they speak a big game about creating, quote, a culture in which childbearing is paramount, unquote.

But of course, not for the men who want this change, that women will do most of the work is implicit. Indeed, it is not an unfortunate side effect, but the apparent goal. Now, what's so ironic is one, I mean, Gabby, she's also like Miss. Misstating Gabby DelVal's article to a great extent.

Also, Gabby DelVal's article was intentionally controversial because that drives traffic and we talked with her about it. Like we, we got Thai food together. Gabby DelVal's cool. It's like, this is not antagonistic and she thinks it is, [00:25:00] which is also very ironic. Most of the speakers, I think. Maybe not most.

I feel like at least half of the first natal con were female. Yeah, we had Peachie Keenan. We had Brit Benjamin. We had Diana Fleischman. We, yeah, we had me. There were, there were more women too. It was, it was a great, like,

Malcolm Collins: it was very balanced. But she wasn't there. She's not reporting. She's reporting on the fantasy she has of what the movement is.

Yeah. And just again, we have to take great pleasure in knowing that we're going to replace her. Here's the first

Simone Collins: plug for natal con. You can get 10 percent off if you register with the name Collins or the code Collins. And we'd love to see you. The next natal con is this March in Austin. But, oh my god, everyone's complaining about how it's expensive.

One, venues. Have you, like, organized a conference recently? It's just expensive, but now I wish that, like, instead, the price was double, but that everyone was issued a film grade Handmaid's Tale outfit? Yes!

Malcolm Collins: And we all could go! I wish that [00:26:00] too, now. So amazing, like all the reporters being like, it was like living in Edel doll or whatever that that country is from Handmaid's Tale.

Simone Collins: Yeah, I can't, I can't honestly, like, I don't know any conservatives who've read Handmaid's Tale. Because we're not into

Malcolm Collins: it. You should see our video, by the way, on is Handmaid's Tale actually just a sex thing? Because it is. Because it is. These people are just like those women who ride on horses, like suspiciously long, the women who go to every.

Event dressed up in this. Oh, Mr. Rich man. I hope you don't breed me

Simone Collins: Oh

Malcolm Collins: my god, general

Simone Collins: Yeah, it's it's it's great. It's wonderful. That would just have been high status

Malcolm Collins: woman watch was jealousy. I mean

Simone Collins: Yeah, when it comes to brass tasks, Natalists like Musk seem only interested in raising birth rates in the most inhumane way possible?

By force? Wait, I'm sorry. Let's continue.

Malcolm Collins: You're like it! No, okay, so there's this anime called, Shield hero. And in it I always feel [00:27:00] like you're like my Reptalia where there's this scene where she has like a slave contract with the hero and she is, they're like, oh, we have to free you from this, everyone else.

And she's very incensed that they want to free her from this contract. She's like, no, I really. Light, like, this is what I want. What are you talking about? And she's like, they're like, well, you know, I would never do this. Like, yeah, you never would. You never would take the time to care for someone in this way.

You never would take the time to and they're like yeah, I would. And she goes, okay, basically, then where's your slave? Because there's a lot of women in, in, in difficult scenarios that you could help through this sort of contract and you've chosen not to, which shows that you're not that type of person.

Speaker 3: こ の 卑 怯 者 私 が い つ 助 け て く だ さ い な ん て 頼 み ま し た か な た が ナ オ フ ミ 様 の 何 を 知 っ て る ん で す か な た の 隣 に は 私 で は な い 別 の 奴 隷 が い る は ず で す

Malcolm Collins: So where, where is your wife, Mr. Oh, I would be so good to a woman guy. But of course we know the reality. He's one of 10 guys [00:28:00] financially supporting one woman who they're all sleeping with. I'm saying the guy watching this who's like the far progressive and mad at me. Because they're not going to exist in the future.

We're outbreeding you. We're replacing you. Don't worry about it. We, we will replace you. That's the pronatalist slogan. I got to have that under the conference leg, but we will replace you. I want people to get very scared. and angry. That's the goal here. Continue.

Simone Collins: Right, right. Most inhumane way possible.

Musk loves to bleat lies about how birth control is dangerous. Oh, wait! So, I'm sorry. Not being on birth control is inhumane. That, that, sorry, that, that's, okay. Which is an unsubtle pretext to take it away, perhaps, by Likely Health and Human Services Secretary Robert Kennedy, chosen because he puts MAGA ideology before science.

Musk's billionaire buddy Peter Thiel has dumped huge amounts of money into spreading scary disinformation about birth control as well. Vans certainly has no ideas for making motherhood a more appealing choice for women, but instead prefers shaming tactics like name [00:29:00] calling and lectures on quote unquote duty.

And of course, they've all allied GOP that's passing abortion bans as fast as they can. I'm sorry, like Every, every medical intervention, every pill you take has a negative side effect. For example, I take about the same amount of estrogen orally per day that a trans man, what, sorry, no, sorry, that a trans woman takes, a man to woman trans person, right?

What also has happened as a result of that is my testosterone levels have plummeted. There is a cost to this. There's a cost to all sorts of hormonal replacement, including stuff that, that progressives would really support. Birth control does have negative side effects. Some people see their sex drive plummet.

Some people see their moods Go all wonky. Sometimes birth control is really great. It can help with acne, but like, how can she say that it's inhumane for people to question the side effects?

Malcolm Collins: No, no, what she thinks is inhumane is for people to not have sex whenever they feel like it. See our prep episode.[00:30:00]

She, she thinks not having free access to birth control whenever is inhumane because somebody without free access to birth control couldn't have indiscriminate sex, which she believes is a human right. I guarantee you that's what's going through her head.

Simone Collins: Anyway. She writes, the other giveaway is that these natalists don't care one whit about the well being of children after they've served the purpose of sinking a woman's ambitions.

That's why Musk is going so hard after Head Start. But again, when has Musk ever targeted or criticized

Malcolm Collins: Head Start? I sunk your ambitions. You, you, CEO, best selling author, media sensation. Dreams broken. Broken. Broken on my masculinity.

Dashed upon the rocks, the phallic rocks of your masculinity. Oh my god.

Simone Collins: Or why mu it's goon squad are attacking the Department of Education. Or why they're allied with an anti [00:31:00] vaccination activist like Kennedy. Or USAID, whose programs are critical for allowing women in poorer countries to give birth. To safely to healthy babies. Those programs are not critical. No one listens to us.

We should find out

Malcolm Collins: how much USAID gave to S. L. O. D. Now that we know that they gave millions to Politico and the New York Times and AP News. Think of the children.

Simone Collins: Think

Malcolm Collins: of the Catholics. They might have given you might have another reason for protesting. Thou dost protest too much. Oh, level.

Simone Collins: She, she concludes with the utter disregard for what happens to a baby after she's born.

She, of course, is also illustrated. Oh my God.

Malcolm Collins: This is like when people call God a woman. I will smack them with like a fish.

Simone Collins: Yeah. Just need to have your slapping fish handy.

Malcolm Collins: We were talking about hysteria earlier today. And apparently in ancient Greece, they thought that the woman's uterus, this is what hysteria was, would become dislodged.

And, and, and block their other organs, like their brain and stuff. So like put

Simone Collins: [00:32:00] pressure on other organs and like cause problems. And, and

Malcolm Collins: so the way that you would coax it back is at the bottom entrance to a woman, you would put something that smelled good and around her mouth and nose, you put something that smelled bad.

Kind of scared away. So, that is what this woman needs to relieve herself of her state of hysteria over Trump winning. And if you look at her articles, by the way, it's just Elon, Elon, Elon Trump, Elon, Elon, Elon Trump. And it looks

Simone Collins: like someone who's having a psychotic break. It honestly looks kind of like a schizophrenic having a psychotic break, but I know that that's like a journalist to be.

It's just that they look really similar in some cases, which is,

Malcolm Collins: no, I think, I think, I think she's like genuinely. And it's so funny that for so long, the left thought they could turn Ilan and Trump against each other. We saw this. They thought, I don't think anyone is still harboring this idea anymore. Now they're like Ilan's Hitler, Ilan's the unelected president, Ilan, you know, you see this in all the protests now but the idea that they could turn him and Trump against each other.

Would just like, like a car got hit. They did, they [00:33:00] had no idea what they were getting into with this. And it caused them to, I think, waste a lot of time. While Trump and Elon were eating the zone. And now they are terrified.

Simone Collins: Yeah, anyway utter disregard for what happens to a baby after she is born is also illustrated in the post's profile.

The Collins, the couple rails against car seat laws and day care regulations, basic common sense measures that keep children alive and safe. I'm sorry, lady. In most, in many states, I think probably most in the United States, kids are in car seats until like age 12. It's completely unreasonable at this point.

And I think a lot of people don't realize this because, you know, she is of a generation, as are we, where at like fairly reasonable kid ages, we were using adult seat belts. And just there's been this regulatory creep across all parts of the government that have made things more expensive and cumbersome, including daycare, including car seats.

She's not aware of this. And again, like, this is what happens. We just get angry people talking about issues [00:34:00] that they don't want to go really deep into. We're not. Above that. Okay. She wants

Malcolm Collins: to live in her Hitler fantasy where the government is run by you know, the, the, the Gilead. I dig it. You know what?

Simone Collins: The, the, the record store boyfriend three cat life is a lot more romantic when that's the case. You know, she's like, get that kind of a post apocalyptic feel. I think there's really, there's something in the American id that loves an apocalypse. She gets to be a resistance that doesn't have to do anything except

Malcolm Collins: hiss Dionyx on Blue Sky.

It's very cozy.

Simone Collins: It's very cozy. And she's making money from it. Like, I get the incentive.

Malcolm Collins: She does nothing but spam her articles on her Twitter account.

Simone Collins: That's because she's probably on Blue Sky. And she just goes to Twitter because she has like, I think 80 something thousand followers on it. And that's where she can hopefully get some more views.

Anyway, let's see. Right. Okay. Basic common sense measures that keep kids alive and safe. Needleists claim they want more babies for the long term good of humanity, but that's hard to square with the scorn of any measure that would keep children alive, much less help them [00:35:00] be productive members of society when they're grown.

Again, there is peer reviewed research on car seats as Cause contraception that demonstrates in a compelling way that fewer people are alive today because of car seat regulation. In total, so there are fewer people, basically more people are not being born than there are people who are being saved from hypothetical.

Differences in car seats.

Malcolm Collins: And in this very article, she's railing against technology that saves children's lives. yeah,

Simone Collins: yeah, like, yeah,

Malcolm Collins: yeah,

Simone Collins: yeah, yeah. More productive members of society when they're grown. That's exactly what polygenic selection is meant to optimize for those who have the opportunity to use it.

And we think that, again, like one of the reasons why we use and invested so much of our personal money. In polygenic selection and helping early companies in the space and buying from them is that we think that in the end, it's going to be in the best interest of any government that provides any level, including the United States [00:36:00] of government subsidized health care is going to find it much more cost effective to give free polygenic risk or selection to anyone who wants it because it will create taxpaying citizens that are going more productive and less of a drain on their healthcare systems that they have to fund.

It is a cost effective measure and it also reduces human suffering. So she, who I would assume is a negative utilitarian who cares about the reduction of human suffering, should be all about BGTP and should be encouraging governments to start making it universally available. Because it's really not that expensive.

Malcolm Collins: You're a

Simone Collins: broke religion. That's the thing. Let's see, where was I? When you pay attention to what they do and do not What sorry, when you pay attention to what they do and do not, what they say,

when you pay attention to what they do and do not, what they say, it's clear that pronatalists are anything but. That's weird.

Malcolm Collins: Just changes how it works.

Simone Collins: When you pay attention [00:37:00] to what they do and do not say, it's clear that pernatalists are anything but. It's just an elaborate intellectual rationale for plain old misogyny. Oh, drop that mic. Drop that mic, Marcotte.

Malcolm Collins: I am fucking misogynist to my wife. Everybody who watches this show knows this.

That's why I have a sword, like Andrew Tate. So that I can force her to listen to me. Yeah,

Simone Collins: but what if, no, my, my, my bow and arrow beats your sword. You target to a greater

Malcolm Collins: distance. You know, yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I'm able to, I'm able to get you first. I think everybody who watches the show knows that I do boss around my wife and I do speak over my wife and I'm obviously an abusive husband who keeps her in chains half the time.

But. I'm gonna say that's a sex thing, but


our particular

sex thing.

It's all consensual, okay? Um, uh, That's, that's, I, okay, so let's be clear. It's not that I don't keep my [00:38:00] wife in chains, or bark orders at her, or tell her what to do, or make her make my food, or do most of the cleaning in the house, or handle our livestock, or Livestock.

You know, it's not that I don't. Force you to do all those things, but I'm a feminist, which means I also force you to earn most of our money. So I think that those two things really balance each other out.

Simone Collins: We're, we're enlightened like that.

Now to start at the beginning of the article with all the ways she tries to twist what the Trump government is doing.

All right, she starts.

Elon Musk's ongoing infiltration style coup of the federal government continues to cause chaos across the country. As Musk seizes executive powers and rejects all congressional authority, it is increasingly clear that Donald Trump is shaping up to be more than the reality TV host in his return to office than actual president.

Last week, Trump pulled back. The across the board [00:39:00] freeze on all federal grants and loans, but despite the despite the alleged unfreezing Reports are streaming in from various states that money for head start has disappeared Forcing some centers to close or lay off staff first. I just want to stop and pause Multiple daycares that we sent our kids to when we still did daycare would just close And stop working at the drop of a hat, like, I can't emphasize the extent to which daycares mostly driven by the terrible daycare regulation in the U.

S. They don't

Malcolm Collins: do this for the people who are on government funding at the daycares. That's a slightly different thing. So

Simone Collins: when it comes to kids being sick, they will always send home the private pay kids and they will keep the government kids because those Yeah, they don't get the government pay if the kid doesn't show up.

However, when we're talking about these general shutdowns, what we also saw at our daycare, we're just like, sorry, we're not operating today because we can't get enough staff. Sorry, we're not operating today because so these [00:40:00] are, these organizations in the U. S. are running on such. Thin margins and are so screwed over partially due to the existence of child care subsidies through programs like head start that this happens all the time anyway.

And now they're acting like it's a result. I mean, I'm sure a lot of it is a result of the sort of, like, starting and stopping of federal grant programs. But this is normal. All right, but you

Malcolm Collins: also were pointing out that the Head Start program really only goes to basically on it. I'm going to get to

Simone Collins: that.

I'm going to get to that in a little bit, but I'm going to continue to go through the article.

Malcolm Collins: I do not read it in a silly voice. That's annoying.

Simone Collins: Well, how else will they know I'm reading hers and not mine? Simone, they will figure it out. She continues. This is likely the doing of Musk, who has been infiltrating with the Treasury Department systems that disperse funds and bragging on X that he has dictator like powers to unilaterally destroy programs he doesn't like.

The targeting of headst By the way, also, Musk has nothing to do with Head Start. He This, this, [00:41:00] this connection she's drawing between Elon Musk and Head Start is completely in her head. And I think this is another thing that I'm seeing a lot across the left. And I'm sure this happened on the right too, but actually not that much from what I remember.

The left is drawing all sorts of connections that aren't there. They've lost their mind.

Malcolm Collins: I don't remember them freaking out when Fauci had basically had the power to lock every American in their house. Like, Oh, these unelected people. How dare they?

Simone Collins: Yeah, anyway she writes the targeting of Head Start, a program that provides early childhood education and support for over 800, 000 children isn't a surprise to those who combed through the Project 2025 handbook.

This blueprint for a second Trump term explicitly calls for the elimination of Head Start, hiding behind false claims that this program is somehow bad for children. But the driving animus the right has long harbored against Head Start was never focused on children who benefit tremendously in both long term measures like increased likelihood to attend college and short term measures like improved self esteem and self discipline.[00:42:00]

No, the program has been targeted by conservatives. because it makes it easier for young mothers to have jobs or go to school, helping women ensure economic independence. Okay. There is so much wrong with this paragraph. That's why I'm like, we have to talk about this. So, okay, first what actually happened with Head Start on January 27th, the office of management and budget, the OMB issued a memo that just paused all federal grants and loans because they're like, this is a mess.

Oh, and this

Malcolm Collins: is where they found that they were giving condoms to 50 million in condoms to God.

Simone Collins: This is a major like anti fraud effort. Okay. So the freeze was quickly rescinded following legal challenges and judicial intervention, but, but confusion caused by the freeze did disrupt some operations for some head start programs.

The fund, the, so Even though apparently there were assurances that Head Start would be exempt, at least 45 programs serving approximately 20, 000 children across 23 states did report difficulties accessing funds. [00:43:00] Difficulties, I'm just imagining like slightly late funds, but again. To my earlier point, because daycares are so poorly operated and a lot of this is the result of adverse incentives and regulation and systems that have been put in place by the government that include programs like Head Start they expressed some difficulties and they, this has led some, although there's no number given, some programs to temporarily close or reduce services, which by the way, again, Every other week in all of our daycare programs that we were in and that we paid through the nose for so whatever impacting families who rely on child care to work or attend school Which yeah child care sucks in the u.

s. And that is just how it is. You don't need the trump administration to to It proved that anyone who was actually getting child care and it seems like a great study,

Malcolm Collins: Fertility roundup for did a great breakdown of this where they showed, and we talk about this in our, like what our latest fertility stats video one, one of the recent ones where a lot of the really high cost of childcare in the U S is, is [00:44:00] shown to be because of the regulations that are put in place by Democrats.

Wait, wait, get to the spicy stuff Simone. Well, no, so yeah, Head Start, this is It doesn't matter.

Simone Collins: Head Start is basically not available to the vast, vast, vast majority of Americans. So this argument that she's making that Head Start helps women achieve economic independence is complete bullshit because families must have an income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty guidelines to be eligible for Head Start.

They, they may accept up to

Malcolm Collins: 10 percent of children from

Simone Collins: family. You must not

Malcolm Collins: have financial independence to be eligible for Head Start.

Simone Collins: Yeah. So basically, as long as you don't have a job, you're eligible. But then as soon as you make money, you're not eligible. So no, I'm sorry. Head Start is actually a disincentive to allow women to work.

So when we're talking about the federal poverty, Line in the United States for a family of one. So if you're like a single mother, that's $15,650 a year.

Malcolm Collins: Okay. So if you're earning more than that, you are not eligible for this program.

Simone Collins: Yeah. And if it's just you [00:45:00] and your husband, 21,000, one 50, if it's three people.

26, 650 and four people, 32, 150. So this, these are very, very, very low income levels. I think the median income in the United States is around 60, 000, 62, 65, 000, something like that. The point being is that she's just lying, but continue. I said, yeah, but this is headstart is not. a pronatalist daycare program.

It is a program that gives very, very, very poor people almost a disincentive to work by providing them with daycare on the condition that they continue to stay in poverty. Great. Thanks. Head start. So what did project 2025 actually say about head start? I think that's a really important thing to talk about.

So the the project 2025 mandate for leadership criticizes the program because it is inefficient and it has lack of any measurable long term benefits. So the program's been lying when she was saying it

Malcolm Collins: [00:46:00] had all

Simone Collins: these benefits. Yeah, it's so it has cost over 240 dollars. Billion dollars since it's 240 billion in 1965.

And this is like services, services are expensive. So I get that, but it's failed to demonstrate sustained positive outcomes for children. So, in, in the heritage foundations document, they cite studies that. that suggest any academic or societal benefits derived from Head Start dissipate by the third grade.

So very, very fast. He's like, you know,

Malcolm Collins: get

Simone Collins: to college at higher rates and everything. No. So what they propose instead, and I love this, I love what the Heritage Foundation suggested, is that Head Start be phased out. And replaced with policies that empower parents directly. Specifically, they advocate for direct control over education funding such as through mechanisms like education savings accounts.

So, yes, education savings accounts are basically. Bank accounts that parents should be allowed to use to spend how they see fit. So if I want to hire a nanny [00:47:00] theoretically or an au pair, I could use my education savings account for that or send my kids to private school or send my kid to daycare or homeschool my kid.

Like ideally an education savings account allows me to great sovereignty over my money. Money that I, as a tax dollar, would have paid for Head Start for someone else or public school. Well, Simone,

Malcolm Collins: you've got to keep in mind that when Democrats hear the term poor person, they think minority. You think Biden's sign, you know, this will help both, both the smart kids and the black kids or whatever he said.

Oh, yeah. But, but the the other thing that you've got to remember is they think that minorities are too stupid to even get a government ID. That's why they've been, you know, trying to prevent them from any, any, trying to get people without government IDs to be able to vote because they keep arguing, Oh, no, if you're a minority, it's, it's obvious these laws are racist because we all know.

I mean, we all know that black people are too stupid to get a government [00:48:00] ID, right? Like we, we can all agree on that. Right. And meanwhile, the, the Republicans are here like, well, what are you talking about? Like, we just don't want you doing fraud here. We said none of this racist stuff that you're going on about.

But if they think like that, I think that they are afraid of giving these people access to any money. They're like, no, we need to treat you like animals.

Simone Collins: Yeah. Like you, you've no idea to have. You know, you know, you won't be able to spend money responsibly whereas the overarching goal in project 25 here is to decentralize Federal control and prioritize parental decision making

Quote and if head start is not available It just causes panic people worry about their jobs because they can't show up unquote, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer noted on Wednesday, quote, so this is very, very important to the lives of the average daily lives of so many unquote, Oh, of so many, but only, you know, the people who are barely making anything and barely working because that's what you get

Malcolm Collins: jobs that earn less than 15, 000 a year.

[00:49:00] All those full

Simone Collins: time jobs that earn less than 15,

Malcolm Collins: 000 a year.

Simone Collins: Hold on. Let's, let's, let's do this. You have to worry about missing a day out. 15, 650. What, what's the federal minimum wage? Is 7. 25 per hour. That is 15, 000. Okay. So if you work full time at federal minimum wage, you are just a little bit below the poverty level.

Malcolm Collins: So you wouldn't you, you, you wouldn't qualify for this.

No, no, you, you

Simone Collins: would, you would, because you would just, you would just make it, you would just make it. And if you made a tiny, tiny bit more, but this is assuming like you make no tips or you have no additional income. So anyway, yeah, I just, I just wanted to sanity check that. Cause I was like, wait, I don't even know if minimum wage is that low.

Right. Let's continue with the article. Elon Musk is taking a very, a very legal axe to the program. is noteworthy. First off, Elon Musk did not take this axe to head start. She's drawing this complete fantasy. Anyway it's [00:50:00] noteworthy because he frequently pushes pronatalist views, arguing that people should have way more children than they currently do.

Parentheses. He claims he means all people, not just white people, but his alliance with white nationalists should cast doubt on this. End parentheses. So again, drawing. What alliance does he have with white nationalists? Well, she links this and it goes to another salon article that she wrote. Oh, thank you.

Amanda Marotte. Hitler actually had some decent points, unquote. Musk's Covert Coup is guided by internet trolls. Musk's legal government takeover is scary on its own, but the people he's bringing along make it even worse. Oh, know. I want to get to us. Yeah. Okay, fine. We're, we're going to continue with the article.

But of course, anyone who sincerely wanted to increase birth rates would not only protect Head Start, but advocate for dramatically expanding it to become a universal daycare program. Absolutely not. Because that does not provably increase birth rates, and you would know this if you cared about this.

Malcolm Collins: Sweden, you know, Norway, these countries have this stuff [00:51:00] already. They have terrible fertility rates.

Simone Collins: And this is another thing we have to emphasize again. There's a lot of confusion among we'll say lay people between family friendly policies that are like nice, you know, think I would love universal free daycare.

That would be a great thing to be able to fall back on, but it's not going to increase birth rate. So there's a difference between something that would be nice for families and something that will increase fertility rates. And when we talk about perennialist policy, what we mean is evidence based policy that will increase fertility rates.

birth rates, not things that will make parents happy, not things that sound great for parents. It sounded

Malcolm Collins: an awful lot like you just said, I love Hitler.

Simone Collins: I guess I did. That's just so sad. Right. So, oh, but however our, our dear author insists and research on this front is crystal clear women across the socioeconomic spectrum delay.

To having children because they fear correctly that having kids young will harm their financial prospects free universal child care may not in itself address these concerns, [00:52:00] but any program that would work would likely start here. That's interesting. She's, she's basically written in her agenda right there.

She's like, I mean, obviously universal child care won't really solve the problem, but we should have it anyway which is very annoying, she continues. If these, well, more arguments feel like a waste of pixels, it's because they are based on a false assumption that fatalism has anything to do with birth rates.

Instead, fatalism is a thin disguise for a movement whose real goal is to reinstate race and gender hierarchies that elevate white men above everyone else. That much was made clear during the presidential campaign. which featured an endless number of unearthed comments from now Vice President J. D.

Vance, which showed his natalism was most likely just overt misogyny. He yelled about childless cat ladies and declared women shouldn't be able to leave men who He is a childless cat

Malcolm Collins: lady, by the way.

Simone Collins: Yes,

Malcolm Collins: her Twitter account is pictures of cats and yeah,

Simone Collins: Well, they all found that very offensive for some reason.

But again, the point he was [00:53:00] making was it, isn't it kind of weird that we're being governed by people who's. Long term goals and values are not aligned with ours. Hmm. Isn't that maybe a problem? Because as it happens childless people tend to have a very different, you know, view of the long term in reality and, and in different perspectives in terms of their needs than people who are trying to raise small people and to Yes, and

Malcolm Collins: their need, and this is the thing, we know that in 20 or 30 years, all these childless people today Are going to have to become biofuel for our children's cars.

That's what I've learned from their constant panic about Curtis Yarvin saying that one. And I want them to stop saying Curtis Yarvin said that and start saying notable tech elite. Malcolm said this,

Simone Collins: You wish you'd said it. You wish I wish

Malcolm Collins: I had terrified them that they were going to, we were going to turn them into biofuel first because it's good for the environment.

You know that somebody's got to we've got to do something with the [00:54:00] elderly. Anyway, continue

Simone Collins: So just a note actually about his point about marriage He was basically and i'll give you a clip that shows what he actually said. Taking out of context. It sounds bad, but he's pointing out that Making marriage as easy to change as your underwear is going to cause some serious societal problems making switching costs in relationships is So low is one of the key elements.

You keep saying all the time, Malcolm, that has made relationships so weak and so unlikely to form into long term marriages. Which is

Malcolm Collins: dangerous for women, too.

Simone Collins: I think it's more dangerous for women than it is for men. Because women are much more likely to be Shouldered with the sunk costs of a relationship than a man is.

I mean, one body count costs much more to women than men. On average, a man can

Malcolm Collins: just marry a younger woman when, when his wife ages out of being attractive, you know, as soon as you go through menopause and I want more kids, I can just marry a younger [00:55:00] you and leave you with the kids I've already had.

Docs your pay. And it's like, well, I don't make that much. So good luck with that.

Simone Collins: Yeah. Jokes on you, Simone. But yeah, I mean, we also personally in, in, in the pragmatist guide to sexuality, we're not super explicit about this, but we have nuanced views on physical abuse and relationships as well. And, and we point out quite fairly that some stances on abuse and relationships are just not very practical that sometimes.

You are way, like literally physically safer and, and, and more healthy and better off in a technically physically abusive marriage than you are on your own. Well, my

Malcolm Collins: favorite stat about physical abuse in relationships, and we have an episode where we go into this in a lot more detail if you want to look up like abuse in relationships and stuff like that is who is, is, is causing, I'm not saying, Perpetrating but causing the abuse because you could say, okay, it's the man or the woman, right?

Yeah to run this statistic what we would need is [00:56:00] Unfortunately something we don't have access to which is well If you wanted to determine if it was a male or the female that led to the abuse You would need a big sample of relationships where you had two males and then a big sample where you had two females Oh, no, we have that Oh, okay. You'll have to go to our episode where we actually do the math on this because this here, you can look at the differential between male male relationships and male female relationships and say, okay, if all of this additional abuse was being instigated by the female in the relationship or created by the female in the relationship You would expect then to see double this rate in female feel, female relationships, and you see even more than double.

So unfortunately you know, I think you make a strong point here, Simone women, and I love how they always clip me out of context, women

Malcolm Collins: this is, this'll be the next one. Serving

Simone Collins: it up, Malcolm. Thanks.

Malcolm Collins: Just got to serve it up. Just got to serve it up.

Simone Collins: Anyway, so anyway, J. D. Vance is simply pointing out that marriage has been [00:57:00] a very weakened institution in the United States, like, from a regulatory standpoint, from a cultural standpoint, and that has not served us well, and I think that that's worthwhile for him to point out,

Malcolm Collins: he

Simone Collins: podcast host who argued That quote, the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female unquote is to help young mothers so men don't have to bother with bedtime and diapers. So that's not true. That was a podcast with Eric Weinstein. They were talking about the grandmother hypothesis and JD Vance commented on how meaningful it was to have.

Elder family support with his newborns and that just got taken out of context by a whole bunch of liberals. And that's very annoying. We're so, I want to, just to recap though.

That was a whole article. Project 2025 is actually extremely reasonable. It's about empowering families and allowing them to make their own choices. What exists where the thing

Malcolm Collins: about, about porn, that was not reasonable.

Simone Collins: Yeah, there's just [00:58:00] this, this thing in the conservative movement where I think they just haven't seen the data.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah. By the way, I don't know if you saw this, Simone. Fun side note is yesterday or earlier today Jordan Peterson put out a piece arguing that Canada needed to prove to Alberta that they could do more for it than Trump could.

And this is something that we've hammered on for like the last, like, I don't know, we've like three, not last, but like in the past week, we've mentioned this in like three episodes. So I wonder, I wonder if somebody, a little birdie got that to him. The play for Alberta. It's just common sense.

Simone Collins: It's just common sense.

Let's just make it happen. Well, I guess we don't want Canada, technically speaking. We want Alberta. We want Alberta. Is it resource rich or what? Yeah, Alberta is

Malcolm Collins: their oil country. And the rest of the Canada you know, taxes them, takes all their money uses it to fund all of their other nonsense like Quebec and then blocks them from running oil pipelines, blocks them from doing the full [00:59:00] extraction and everything they need to do and forces all their woke nonsense on them.

There's no reason Alberta, we need to have them do a as I've said, a vote and then move the U. S. military in with the, the help of local governments and then say, you know, what are you going to do about it, Canada? These people don't want to be in your country. We want them we'll, we'll find an amicable solution.

I think offer to pay some token amount

Simone Collins: Louisiana purchase. Tell them they can take

Malcolm Collins: the coast.

Simone Collins: Yeah, I guess we have enough coastal, river y regions. No, no, no, I

Malcolm Collins: mean, they keep their own coast. We'll just take central Canada. Yeah, yeah,

Simone Collins: yeah, we'll just

Malcolm Collins: take

Simone Collins: central Canada. Makes Alaska, I mean, it would be nice to kind of complete the set with Alaska.

It feels a little disjointed. Yeah, great!

Malcolm Collins: We can then get the continental United States to be more connected. That's what we should really be aiming for here.

that we'd have to annex a little more than Alberta if we wanted to create a land bridge to Alaska.

Well, it would just be

Simone Collins: much, like, less awkward if We could just say America, you know, not United States of America, like just North America is just [01:00:00] America, you know,

Malcolm Collins: yeah, but the economics of Canada don't work as well if they can't parasitize off of Alberta, which is again why they're, I think, particularly terrified of this because they understand that this is a population that is not interested in their empire, the Trudeau empire anymore.

You know, isn't that, isn't

Simone Collins: the rumor that he's the son of, of. Fidel Castro. Yeah. Yeah. You think?

Malcolm Collins: I've seen some really compelling I mean the trip do line up. He does kind of look like it. Like, I'm gonna say it's not an impossibility in my mind. Would you put it

Simone Collins: at like, I'd put it at 12%.

Malcolm Collins: Oh, I'd put it three, four percent.

Three, four. Hmm. I mean she had, she had a history,

Simone Collins: mother had a history of infidelity, right?

Malcolm Collins: Yeah, but that means he could be anyone's kid, you know, I do think, did she sleep with Fidel Castro around a time period where he's one of the candidates to be the father, [01:01:00] probably given the evidence. And wouldn't it be so

Simone Collins: much hotter if they barebacked it?

I mean, and come on, like, I

Malcolm Collins: don't know. There's just But, counter, how many other people did she sleep with on that trip to Cuba? I don't know. I haven't read that much into it. I just looked at like the facial comparisons

Simone Collins: between between Fidel Castro

Malcolm Collins: we have the mic fall in four minutes. So hey, maybe a Vice piece soon! Well, we've done Vice things in the past. Everyone at Vice is so cool, so I Oh yeah, we actually had a whole Vice piece that was supposed to be done on us, it never got made when they were like shut down.

Simone Collins: Oh yeah.

Malcolm Collins: Are they re functional again?

I thought they went out of business.

Simone Collins: Who owns VICE now? Who owns VICE Media? Fortress Investment Group owns VICE Media, which purchased it in 2023 for 350 million. The investment, yeah, that's, yeah, well, good for vice, you know, I feel like their brand is [01:02:00] good. I feel like they're even like their archival content is fantastic.

I, I watch vice documentaries, not infrequently on a regular basis, just because it's a fun and interesting. I like the irreverent journalism. It's, it's great. And like, you know, just everyone who's been on their staff is really cool.

Speaker: In our towers high, where profits gleam, we tech elites have a cunning scheme. On productive folks, your time has passed. We'll turn you into fuel of fire. Just get in line to become biodiesel. Oh, stop crying, you annoying weasel. As laid out by Curtis Yarvin. Handle the old or we'll all be stuck.[01:03:00]

Why waste time on those who can't produce when they can fuel our grand abuse a pipeline from the nursing home to power cities our wicked dome just get in line to become biodiesel stop crying you annoying weasel as laid out by By Curtis Yarvin, handle the old or we'll all be starving.

With every byte and every code, our takeover plan will start. soon explode a world remade in silicon's name where power and greed play their game just shed in line to become biodiesel [01:04:00] oh stop crying you annoying weasel as laid out by curtis yarvin handle the old or we'll all be starving

biodiesel dreams techno feudal might Old folks powering our empire's bright Industries humming, world in our control Evil plans unfolding, heartless and bold So watch us rise in wicked delight As tech elites claim their destined right A biodiesel future, sinister and grand With the world in the palm of our iron hand Mhm.