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The Deranged Misogyny of Star Wars The Acolyte! (Only Men Can Create Life???)


In this episode, Malcolm and Simone Collins delve into the controversial portrayal of a lesbian cult in the latest Star Wars series, The Acolyte. The couple breaks down the problematic elements of the show, including its misogynistic undertones, bizarre plot devices, and the implications of the cult's reproductive practices.

Malcolm and Simone discuss how the show's attempt to introduce a powerful female-led community ultimately fails, as it relies on harmful stereotypes and illogical plot points. They examine the cult's use of the Force to impregnate women, drawing parallels to the immaculate conception of Anakin Skywalker and the troubling notion that men create children while women merely carry them.

The conversation also touches on the decline of the Star Wars franchise, with Simone sharing her personal journey as a fan and pinpointing the moment she lost interest in the series. Malcolm and Simone explore the idea of Jar Jar Binks as a Sith Lord and the prevalence of racial stereotypes in the earlier films.

Throughout the discussion, the couple shares insights into the challenges of creating conservative-leaning content in the current entertainment landscape, drawing from their own experiences with a canceled documentary project. They highlight the role of legal departments and institutional bureaucracies in stifling diverse viewpoints within major streaming networks.

Malcolm Collins: [00:00:00] It would be like, if you wrote a biblical fan fiction and you knew the Jesus story, And you were like, and there was this whole other town, this whole other town of lesbians where everyone just prays to God and gets pregnant in the same way Mary did, hold on. This is where it gets insane and misogynistic.

Simone Collins: Okay.

Malcolm Collins: There is a famous scene in this.

Carry them

Malcolm Collins: which implies that men create the child And women carry the child. This is even more misogynistic than real human earth biology.

So she's actually,

Actually I inseminated you. Therefore I created the child. Therefore I am the dominant partner in this relationship and make all child rearing decisions.

Would you like to know more?

Malcolm Collins: I am so excited for this episode.

Simone Collins: Yes. Okay. Let's do

Malcolm Collins: it.

Simone Collins: Let's

Malcolm Collins: go for it.

Yeah. This [00:01:00] is going to be the worst. Yeah,

The worst! She's the worst person in the world. Huge skank. Terrible. What did I tell you, huh? The worst!

She's the worst in the world.

Malcolm Collins: I gotta put the word team here because oh my God, does this deserve it? Two things that is going to make this somewhat unique when contrasted with other discussions of the Acolyte. One is we have some interesting insider industry information, given that our own documentary was recently cancelled, about how decisions are being made inside of Hollywood right now which can help you understand how something as insane as this could have gotten greenlit because that is something that before we worked in Hollywood, genuinely perplexed.

Why is this getting greenlit? It's obviously not good for the industry. But then the second is how absolutely misogynistic the ideas presented in the [00:02:00] Acolyte are. But wasn't it like produced by women? Yes, it was. They were trying to create something that was misandrist. A world, and I want to get your reaction to the world.

Start with one of the most controversial things. So let's get your real time reaction to this. Okay. Because no one knows what happens.

Simone Collins: Yeah. Tell me about the Acolyte. I didn't know what is out. I did not know there was more Star Wars property to enjoy. So I have not watched anything.

I have not seen a single thing. So it

Malcolm Collins: takes place during the High Republic. What is the High

Simone Collins: Republic?

Malcolm Collins: A long time before most of the stuff that you've seen. So pre

Simone Collins: Queen Amidala, or before. Very before that. Long before. Before,

Malcolm Collins: yeah, this is in a time when there were lots of Siths and lots of Jedis before the Rule of Two.

Simone Collins: Living in harmony? There wasn't a split time

Malcolm Collins: the different era of star wars. The point being, this is an important to the show right now. So the point being into the high Republic it follows two twins an evil twin and a good twin, but goodness, there's

Simone Collins: [00:03:00] an evil twin.

Malcolm Collins: It reminds me of that scene.

I've got to post it from Sky High.

What if I said it's not just her twin, it's her evil twin? This Friday you say? Medulla, you dog!

Malcolm Collins: Sky High is so undersold as a show. It really is. Do you want to go? Because it's about a world of superheroes. And it plays with a lot of tropes from that. And one guy asked the other guy, do you want to go on a date with twins? And what if I told you she was the evil twin?

It's such a great scene. I can

Simone Collins: already tell that this movie is very unique and bold in its writing. Hold on. I haven't gotten

Malcolm Collins: to the insane part yet. So episode three is the one where everyone goes crazy. So episode three takes place in a backstory where these two girls were raised. Okay. They were raised.

In a lesbian cult or religion. Oh [00:04:00] okay. Everyone's a woman. It's run by a strong black woman. So don't worry about that. Good. Okay. This is very South Park predicted this

. Put a ticket in it and make her gay! Uh, yes, Mrs. Kennedy, uh, some of the execs are just expressing that maybe Well, that maybe we should go a different route than we did with Indiana Jones.

Fuck Indiana Jones! Put a ticket in it and make her lame and gay! Any diverse woman in it, make her gay! But Mrs. Kennedy, Bambi's a baby deer! Fuck baby deer, put a chick in it, make her gay! Linguine and clam sauce. Uh, excuse me, I believe I asked you to put a chick in this and make her gay. Uh, yes, the chef was a little confused what you meant by that.

It means put a chick in the linguine and make her fucking gay! It's lame!

Malcolm Collins: and I think that's why she was so mad. I was probably, this was already so well under production at that point that she couldn't stop it, but they put a chicken in her and make her gay and lame.

Simone Collins: Oh no.

Malcolm Collins: Was [00:05:00] being a meme, when this thing had been greenlit and funded and she couldn't get out of it. Lesbian cult but,

Simone Collins: Were they trying to play it off like Amazons? Amazon

Malcolm Collins: warrior much more Wiccan ish than that. If it's very clear, there's this one scene where they're all chanting and very Wiccany and Oh, they call it a force, but we call it a thread.

If Amazons

Simone Collins: were really mystical.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah. So I got to get your reaction to this. So how do you suppose this tribe procreated in the star Wars universe?

I'm by the way, I met Simone in her pictures on her dating profile. She wore film grade stormtrooper armor for 7 division, like very into Star Wars back in the day.

We still have Star Wars art on our walls from back when she was younger. This is something that she identified with, but hasn't really watched any of the recent stuff because why haven't you watched the recent stuff?

Simone Collins: It started sucking. I don't like it anymore. How do you suppose

Malcolm Collins: this lesbian cult was [00:06:00] reproducing?


Simone Collins: They would cut off one of their breasts, like Amazons, and then the breast would form into a new child. No. No. Okay. They would form a Wiccan circle. They would form a Wiccan circle. No. They couldn't

Malcolm Collins: know about Star Wars lore. No. What could be the most sacrilegious way they were reproducing to the lore of the Star Wars universe?

Simone Collins: They they killed baby Yodas to create genetic material. They

Malcolm Collins: were using the force to impregnate other women.

, the way Anakin was born and only Anakin was born. And that made Anakin unique and special in the Star Wars universe?

Oh yeah! Was Jesus'd! Yeah! That's how they make All of their kids in this community. Oh, okay. It is very Jesus..

But this is and I actually like it with biblical fan fiction. It would be like, if you wrote a biblical fan fiction [00:07:00] and you knew the Jesus story, And you were like, and there was this whole other town, this whole other town of lesbians where everyone just prays to God and gets pregnant in the same way Mary did, because they're all sinless.

That's basically what they did was this. Isn't

Simone Collins: that kind of a lesbian dream? If you could just have kids without male involvement.

Malcolm Collins: Hold on. This is where it gets insane and misogynistic.

Simone Collins: Okay.

Malcolm Collins: There is a famous scene in this.

Carry them

Malcolm Collins: where the one lesbian is saying to the other lesbian, to try to say that I should be the one who decides how they're raised.

She goes, I carried them. And then the other lesbian, the strong black woman, she replies, I created them, which implies that men create the child And women [00:08:00] carry the child. This is even more misogynistic than real human earth biology.

So she's actually,

Actually I inseminated you. Therefore I created the child. Therefore I am the dominant partner in this relationship and make all child rearing decisions.

Simone Collins: It's worse that the analog for the male here. is the force. I just, wow. Okay. This is, did they need to they need to have sensitivity readers, but they're just normies.

Because I don't. They were

Malcolm Collins: so woke. They didn't even think to have sensitivity readers. No. Sensitivity

Simone Collins: readers are the most woke. So that's the problem. I think the problem is that like a normal person reading this

Malcolm Collins: would be like, this is very misogynistic. Yeah. Bye. You think that men create the child and women just carry it and therefore men should have dominance over all family decisions?

Simone Collins: There was a period in human history where that seemed to be what people believed. [00:09:00] Yes.

Malcolm Collins: And this is actually interesting. It shows that like when you're in these ultra woke circles, cause you cannot criticize strong black female writer or whatever, whoever wrote this, like that no one they're just so unaware of how genuinely toxic their views have become.

In terms of misogynistic aspects of their views, because nobody's willing to challenge them.

Simone Collins: Yeah. What I am, that really happens in the,

Malcolm Collins: I'm gonna, I'm gonna put the shot in this show. I created them, therefore I win. Okay here's, so we gotta keep going with what happens to this temple.

Simone Collins: There's more.

Malcolm Collins: Before we get to our insider story here. Yes, there is more.

Simone Collins: Okay.

Malcolm Collins: They try to brainwash the girls. Now in the show, it's they're the good guys and the Jedis are the bad guys, which is fucking stupid.

Simone Collins: So wait, so the, again, we're back to the lesbian A Jedi [00:10:00] commune and they're raising the female Amazon younglings.

Okay. Great. And they are talking about the

Malcolm Collins: Jedi's think, and this is framed multiple times that we are using the dark side. Now, keep in mind, we know from the series. So if you were taking this from the outside perspective and you were watching this, the way I think it should be watched as in universe fascist propaganda.

They admit that the Jedi say that they're using the dark side of the force. They're like, some would say the way we're using the force is dark sided. There is only one way to dark side use the force, which is to use the force to control and manipulate other people to force the force to act by your will.

Wait, but Jedi do that all the time. The whole like, no, the Jedi are supposed to be enacting the forces will on reality. force helps them do that. The darksiders have their own will and they use that to exercise the force on Riel. Yeah, but how

Simone Collins: is, how are darksiders using their own will? Is that not just the force using them to use their will?

Malcolm Collins: No, that is not the way the dark [00:11:00] side is seen in the universe. No. And this is also why the dark side isn't intrinsically negative. It's just, do you relate to reality via harmony? Which of course we would see it's a mystic pathway. So in many ways, from our perspective, the Jedi's are the bad guys.

 Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil! From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.

Malcolm Collins: They are fighting for a mystic pathway, whereas the dark siders are, can be fighting for a monotheistic pathway.

I've been team

Simone Collins: Sith since you met me, Malcolm.

Malcolm Collins: But in this context, it means something quite different because this is like a coven of witches. And we are seeing that the girls are trained from a young age to just not trust anyone outside the group to not trust and to believe that they're a persecuted minority.

And are they raised

Simone Collins: with a certain imperative? Is there a raison d'etre they, Yes, we are

Malcolm Collins: a persecuted minority. Everyone else is a bad guy.

Simone Collins: But so is their job to Eliminate all other people. So what do they do? They exist to defend themselves and just exist.

Malcolm Collins: Here's this fucking insane.

Okay. They exist to defend themselves, [00:12:00] but, and it's all and we need to use the force to procreate. These are the only two children in this giant commune of women. Okay. Oh, so there's not. Okay. Like a regular thing that they do. And I think that this shows the way progressives view children.

They're like, if we have two children for 80 women that can save our culture, that'll do well intergenerationally, that won't do especially what happens immediately after the children leave this culture.

Simone Collins: Isn't that more of an indication of the short term thinking of progressive culture in general, that there's a complete lack of longtermism and it's really about what's happening now.

There's a myopia.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah. So then next what happens, because we got to go over what happens in this episode because it's insane. So they live in this like old base on a mountain in an abandoned world and it's this giant stone semi circle, like you would see in a lot of Star Wars stuff. Okay. Oh, yeah.

Cool. Yeah, cool idea. Problem is they light it up like a freaking Christmas tree. So it would be [00:13:00] obvious to anyone when they're trying to hide their kids from this Jedi thing. Don't you understand? Women need good lighting, Malcolm. Even after a lifetime of brainwashing the evil one wants to stay.

The good one wants to go as a Jedi, or at least this is the way I'm reading it. I, it might be the other way around, but yeah. And, They're twins, I'm sure they're hard to tell apart.

Simone Collins: Do they dress the same?

Malcolm Collins: No, this group tells her to lie to the Jedi. That's how she's gonna stay. She needs to lie to the Jedi in order to stay in the group, and she doesn't want to.

And she doesn't lie to the Jedi, by the way.

Simone Collins: So they're trying to take their two young and use them to infiltrate an existing Jedi order, correct?

Malcolm Collins: No, they just don't want the Jedi to take their kids at all. Oh, okay. And so they tell the kids to lie to the Jedi.

Simone Collins: Okay.

Malcolm Collins: Except the kid wants to escape them.

The kid clearly seems to understand that they're abusive and wants to get away. Which is interesting that they don't see the coding in this. But it's very clear. The kid, you can read this separately. The kid wants to join the Mormon missionaries who have come to [00:14:00] their house. And the, oh, there's space

Simone Collins: Mormons in this too.

All right. So we've got some starship troopers going on

Malcolm Collins: here.

Simone Collins: Yeah.

Malcolm Collins: So, they, she's been coached to lie to them, coaching children to lie to space CPS, basically. That is fantastic. But she doesn't cause she has a moral conscience. And then the other one, the evil one is I won't let you leave.

And she's what do you mean by that? And she's I'm going to kill you. Like immediately to 11, right? That escalated.

It's also like, it's very clear that this giant group of women who is only raising two kids by the way, is not at all qualified to be parents. If one of their kids is already. Trying to murder the other one and torturing animals. That's how, by the way, it's established that she is the bad, the evil twin is that she tortures animals. I'll do it like, no, this is fine. ,

The space CPS does need to come and take these kids.

Malcolm Collins: And she lights this girl's diary [00:15:00] on fire. And then locks her in the room and throws it on the ground and what happens next? The giant stone fortress burns down.

She burns the oopsies. She burns down. Now, keep in mind that in the episode before this this is like why you need mansplaining, many people are like. In the episode before this, there was a fire in space, a campfire in space. Outer space. With no air. And in this episode, a giant concrete slash stone fortress caught into a rapid fire.

Simone Collins: Oh, I was going to ask. I figured it just, it'd be more like the Globe Theater or something, fully wood. No. It's completely concrete and stone.

Malcolm Collins: You don't see I don't even, your

Simone Collins: space rocks are flammable, Malcolm. Stop telling women how space rocks are made.

Malcolm Collins: It's

Simone Collins: made of potassium

Malcolm Collins: infused rocks.

Yeah, duh! It's combustible. Yeah. So one this is why you need a sarcastic conservative man on every [00:16:00] set. If you would like to hire us for anti DEI consulting, we are starting a firm to do that. Just let us know.

Simone Collins: Sarcastic conservative man.

Malcolm Collins: Why, of course they should. I know, no, I, there actually should be and we can clear up all of these problems you might have on the cheat. We'll just fire people. We'll only take a percent of the money we save you. So

Simone Collins: that's actually a good business model. I know it is.

Malcolm Collins: And the company would be run technically because you are a trans ace woman.

By their perspective, you're disabled.

Simone Collins: I'm autistic.

Malcolm Collins: You're autistic, right? So who better to be making these decisions? Um, so anyway and I haven't, MBA from Stanford. I'm qualified to do this. I've run big companies. I've been, a director of strategy at a major VC firm. So anyway we are at this point, the whole thing's burning down.

So all of the lesbians. As they're leaving, because of course the Jedi save the good one. They run by the Lesbian Oh, what happens to

Simone Collins: the evil twin whose diary was burnt?

Malcolm Collins: She teleports outside somehow, plot armor. It's insane. [00:17:00] It's genuinely insane. But anyway the, but she, the good one thinks she's dead.

And I'm assuming it's a good one that goes with the Jedi. If it's not, I haven't watched the episode because I will not torture myself with this or pay for Disney plus. I've watched a lot of reviews and they haven't clarified this point yet.

Simone Collins: Okay. Gotcha. It doesn't matter. Does it? No. Doesn't matter.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah. Doesn't

Simone Collins: matter.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah. She what was I going to say? She runs by this room and all of these lesbian witches are dead.

Simone Collins: Do they all murder suicide or

Malcolm Collins: what? We don't know. It's, it doesn't look like they burned. The room isn't on fire. Maybe

Simone Collins: they didn't know about crawling on the ground.

Malcolm Collins: The bad fire training. That's what killed

Simone Collins: her. That's it's deadly. Maybe Disney just wanted to use this as a teaching moment to remind everyone to, to crawl on the ground. For a friar.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah, and it's interesting that this cult is supposed to be, like, way more powerful than the Jedi.

Make that clear. That lesbians yeah,

I love this comment here, by the way. Okay.

The witches are [00:18:00] so powerful, they can easily kill a Jedi using the thing they said wasn't a weapon. I should note here that they said that the Force isn't a weapon. Okay. That's what they're saying. No one can use the force as a weapon, or at least you're not supposed to use the force as a weapon. Yeah.

So the witches are so powerful that they can easily kill the Jedi using the thing that they swear is not a weapon, and no one should use the weapon. Then they all died, at once, by a fire, caused by a single girl, in a giant fortress made of stone, with people inside the fortress, who can project barriers, and control gravity.

Simone Collins: Flammable stone, and Not necessarily smoke barriers,

Malcolm Collins: potassium.

Simone Collins: It's.

Malcolm Collins: Plausible. Plausible. So now we get to talk about our own little private story with Hollywood. Hey, let's see if you have some final comments on this. And do you think that like Star Wars Zorro is recoverable at this point?

Or anyone's going to give it a chance again? When did you stop watching?

Simone Collins: I stopped watching after [00:19:00] The pod race. That's really by stop watching. I still went through the motions of trying to watch some of the properties, but I have no memory after that. So even before it went woke, you stopped in the

Malcolm Collins: prequel.

Simone Collins: Yeah. The last good moment for me was the pod race. And after that, everything was so traumatically bad as far as I'm concerned that I literally have no memory of it, but pod racing is cool. So that's okay.

Malcolm Collins: You watched the first and the second of the new movies was me. We, we didn't watch a return of whatever.

I do not that one with the Palpatine movie. You don't remember it.

Simone Collins: I remember being happy and in the one. No I've literally blocked them out and I wasn't even drunk. Remember I used to try to get blackout drunk to watch things with you. Cause it was really fun. And then I'd forget them and then I could watch them again.

But now. No, yeah, sorry. It just, I don't know. They just got bad. I liked the camp. And the camp went away when it became corporate. So that's where I lost it. Woke wasn't even [00:20:00] what killed it for me. It was the loss of camp. Wait,

Malcolm Collins: Jar Binks wasn't camp enough for you?

Simone Collins: Yeah, I guess he's pretty camp, but that, it felt more cringe than camp. And of course now he's gone through, he's gone through the gauntlet and now he is, Sith Lord Jar Binks. That's cool. That's not canon, that's fan That doesn't matter because it's just obviously true. Come on, Malcolm, there's no way it's not.

Malcolm Collins: But People who aren't familiar with the Sith Lord Jar Binks theory, it's that Jar Binks was actually very powerful as a force, and was a Sith Lord who was tricking Jedi and creating these events. And it actually makes a lot of sense given all of his canon appearances. And there's an easy way you could craft a narrative around that.

And I would love to see Disney do that but they won't do anything that interesting.

Simone Collins: Yeah. No, everything about Jar Binks points to that. It is irrefutable truth. Whether or not the creators of Jar Binks realize that is not my problem. He's a racist stereotype. That makes it even better.

It's he's also [00:21:00] this like anti woke, like I'm going to even mock, like every concept of you thinking you're, like it's just everything about it, this, it's incredibly like racist, evil character. It's like a a white minstrel performer. That is also incredibly evil and trying to ruin all the forces of good.

What better character could there be? But yeah, I love

Malcolm Collins: the Star Wars. The old Star Wars went hard into racial stereotypes. Oh my God. Remember the Jewish character, the floating guy was the long nose who owned slaves and was like, trick people. It was games and he wore like the old timey like medieval Jewish hat style.

Yeah, Anakin 2 boss. And he spoke in that accent. Oh my God, that was horrifying. I was like, whoa! It was extremely.

Simone Collins: Racist movie.

Malcolm Collins: And I've always said that the original Anakin slash Darth Vader stereotype was obviously a Calvinist stereotype from older media. It [00:22:00] was all of the pain obsessed, minimalism obsessed, single minded focus, moralizing I know what's right, everyone else is wrong.

And the super manic, it's like a young person. And then the older iteration that's okay, I'm just going to carry out my mission no matter what. Yeah it's interesting. The whole thing was built around stereotypes and I think that. Made it better, to be honest, I think the stereotypes fit snuggly was in our mind.

Simone Collins: What are you saying? I guess there are still very offensive stereotypes, right? So there was the offensive Jew stereotype, the offensive, what was it supposed to be? Jamaican stereotype. And now we have the offensive lesbian stereotype and it's fine. Lesbians who,

Malcolm Collins: because it's not like lesbian, it wasn't interesting lesbians.

This is another thing where they're like, they tried to make this movie a palatable to women by putting a bunch of lesbians in it. That is not what women watch.

Simone Collins: I don't know. No, there are some, a very small handful, but there are some good lesbian shows according to lesbians.

Malcolm Collins: But this is not what the mainstream woman wants.

Simone Collins: The mainstream

Malcolm Collins: woman wants Bridgerton. Okay. [00:23:00] Yes, she does. You could do this with Star Wars. You could have a bunch of nobles with hot, masculine buff men interacting with women and saving them. And I was actually

Simone Collins: going to say though, here's the thing, and this is actually even more accurate. Although Bridgerton is very accurate. The mainstream woman wants yaoi. And then you have a, yeah, you have a man on man action devoid of women. I'm sorry, but like putting a bunch of chicks in it and making them gay is not the answer. Unless you're actually like really good. You have to be really good.

And these are like

Malcolm Collins: old women, by the way, this isn't like hot lesbian stuff. See that's yeah.

Simone Collins: Okay. Like at least make them hot, at least make them, fun for the whole family. But yeah, that's, yeah, I guess go ahead. And

Malcolm Collins: But, okay, so people might not understand how this happened, and now I need to tell a personal anecdote that happened to us recently.

Simone Collins: And this is speculative whatever. Speculative,

Malcolm Collins: and I'm not going to give names or companies, so you guys can ignore that. But we have been trying to make a documentary, or a lot of firms have been trying to make a documentary about our family for a while now. And prenatalism in [00:24:00] general.

And it's generally the same story over and over again, which is it gets approved by the creative department and it gets shut down by the legal department.

And we've had this at major streaming networks multiple times at this point. The most recent excuse for the shutdown was that we practice corporal punishment. And that caused problems for legal. Now, this is very confusing to me because it's legal in our state. So it shouldn't have anything to do with legal except that maybe it affects ads, but that's not legal department.

But in addition to that, it's something the majority of Americans do. And it's something that the most recent research backs, you can look at the giant meta study done last year parental punishment. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater 2023. Those two things being the case, why would it be shut down by legal?

And this is where I realized something, there hasn't been a single right leaning show that has been greenlit by a major [00:25:00] streaming network in about the past 10 years, where characters are shown in a somewhat right leaning light as positive. And people can say, what about Tiger King? Which you might not be familiar with as Tiger King was actually pre produced and then bought by a studio, which seems to be okay for conservative shows.

You just cannot have the studio produce it itself, which shows me that the legal departments of these studios after they have been ransacked by DEI departments are the core problem. It is not the DEI departments themselves. And unless you can influence legal departments of the major studios, you are never going to get anything passed through, but also these departments and the managers.

Who do not get fired when they make bad numbers. They get to fire the creatives, right? But they have incentivized the creatives to make these sorts of things by canceling everything that comes through the pipeline. That isn't far left. These [00:26:00] are the same companies that let. Forward videos that have a literal like PDA file content in them that have it is insane the stuff that they are greenlighting, right?

Dear white people, for example, right? Yet slightly conservatively coded content ends up getting killed. And the reason is because the institutional bureaucracies of these structures are structured in a way where the urban monoculture has such control of them that deviating from it.

Even in ways that the majority of the American populace, the vast majority of their audience deviates from it in is unacceptable.

Simone Collins: Now, of course caveat, there are exceptions to this. There are some streaming platforms or networks that do have shows that that showcase conservative people. No.

Have you looked at that

Malcolm Collins: big conservative show that did? You're looking at like duck dynasty. And that was well over 10 years ago.

Simone Collins: Welcome to Platteville.

Malcolm Collins: Welcome to Plackville. Plackville. [00:27:00] I've never heard of this. Where is it streaming?

Simone Collins: TLC.

Malcolm Collins: That is not a major network that we've talked about.

Simone Collins: Oh yeah. No, we.

So that's interesting that there are. There are exceptions,

Malcolm Collins: but I think that kind of proves our point. If that's what you came up with as your example, when historically speaking, there were lots of conservative leaning shows like duck dynasty the fact that this exists, or do you guys remember the man show, like this was a thing that existed for a while.

Do you remember spike

Simone Collins: TV in general? Which was like, yeah, everyone

Malcolm Collins: watched it because it

Simone Collins: was fun. Yeah, they had a lot of fun stuff.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah, I liked

Simone Collins: it.

Malcolm Collins: I remember that this one a skit where the little kid, this the Spike TV boy would go into his quickie mark type things and been like they'd be, he'd get alcohol and they'd say, can you show me your ID?

And he'd go, can you show me your green card?

Simone Collins: Oh God. Yeah. [00:28:00] Back when jokes were jokes. Back when

Malcolm Collins: jokes were jokes, you can never do that today. I'll tell you what. It's not

Simone Collins: it's not funny anymore because people have made immigration. Lame and not fun. Scary.

Malcolm Collins: Can you show me your ID? Can you show me your green card? I just can't. But yeah, no.

So the problem is that it's systemically even lightly conservatively leaning things cannot be shown at these platforms, even when what makes them conservative. Is opinions that are held by the majority of Americans.

Simone Collins: Yeah. And when there's probably a pretty big market for it there are only a small number of channels that appear to be actively catering to that market, which is interesting.

Even though honestly content about conservatives is equally entertaining to both conservative and progressive markets, because it's one of those things where you're either like, Oh, these people are great. Or you're like, Oh, these monsters are hilarious. And so either way you win. But I think this is, this makes me think, of course, of Tracy Woodgrain's sub stack essay on how [00:29:00] Republicans are screwed.

How, when you look at a lot of the executional apparatus that is being minted by universities, and this is lawyers, this is legislators, this is, the people who functionally get things done within large bureaucracies, because these institutions are so progressively coded. I got it designed at this point to mint progressives, even if centrists and conservatives enter them, only progressives can come out to a certain extent, unless you've been totally radicalized against it.

And there may be more of that backfiring. Benjamin Boyd seemed to be radicalized in the other direction by his brush with the progressive institution. But yeah that just means that you're not going to have. A lot of conservative lawyers and producers and, people who can grow within these really large networks.

So of course you're going to have conservative, independent filmmakers and conservative entrepreneurs and conservative, anything that's small scale, but when you get to the big bureaucracies, it's going to be, AI is

Malcolm Collins: going to change this game, I [00:30:00] think. And I also, when we can do AI, Automation of shows or animation.

It's going to completely up in this model. And with

Simone Collins: Sora and other Sora like competitors, you can already make really amazing film content. It's only a matter of time until.

Malcolm Collins: Yeah so the final point I'd end on is we have been told that if, and this is just a thing, if somebody wants to invest in this, They can I don't really care one way or the other way.

But if we created something like a Tiger King for our family, right? Like of our family it'd probably do well in the film festival circuit and then we could get it onto one of the streaming platforms and you'd likely make a good return, but it's going to require a pretty hefty investment, like half a million dollars or something like that.

So if anyone is interested in doing that let us know, but only if you're like, You have the money to do something like that. I don't want to fan raise money for something like this. If somebody is doing it, I want it to be an investment that they plan to [00:31:00] make a good return on. And then we'll do our part to ensure that you make that return.

But outside of that, yeah, tough situation.

Simone Collins: But that might help to explain why. The lesbians didn't know basic fire safety.

Malcolm Collins: Not fire safety. Living in a fucking concrete building is fire safety.

Simone Collins: Not when the concrete is obviously flammable and they probably knew that. I don't, where did the good slash evil twin get an incendiary

Malcolm Collins: device?

She just left fire on the ground. She's a little lighter. So they had fire there. Yeah, in the building full of flammable stones. It hadn't

Simone Collins: burned down yet for some reason. I you've left so many loose ends with this fascinating show. I feel like now I have to watch it, but I'm too busy watching Bridgerton and their ridiculous costumes.

Cause here's what Bridgerton actually is. Bridgerton is not a historical romance. It is the [00:32:00] season in. The capital of the hunger games, which is what I always wanted. It is literally the dating scene. You could have that in Star Wars. You could have a Coruscant movie. You could have a Coruscant. Yeah, for sure.

But honestly, Bridgerton just did that. Bridgerton sci fi practically. It's not actually like period dress or anything. And, it's it's great. So personally, I think I've got what I need media wise. So I'm glad I'm watching that. And

Malcolm Collins: I have seen that there are a lot of Sexy men in Bridgerton.

Are you watching too many sexy men being sexy? No

Simone Collins: one watches this for the men or women in it. They watch it for the costumes. 100 percent is the costumes. They're really pretty. Yeah. I love them. I love them.

Malcolm Collins: I love you.

Simone Collins: You too. Still a lot of poop. This was the big one. I'm still I'm on my way. I'm nearly done. Okay we're getting cleaner. This is getting good. So the situation is improving. I'm almost [00:33:00] done. There's still a lot of wiping happening. It's okay. We have plenty of time for the episode. Hang in there. We can do this.

Hold on. Hang in there. Okay. Almost done. And I'm getting the diaper now. Fresh diapers come in, and I'm doing this with one hand, so it's a little awkward. Hold on. Okay. Getting the diaper installed. It's happening. Oh boy. I've discovered more poop. And I'm wiping it off. Alright. And the diaper's coming on.

Other diaper's going into the trash. I'm nearly done now. I'm on my way over. I'm definitely on my way over. The diaper is being affixed. One tab is on, now the second tab is on, I'm almost there. She's looking very serious about [00:34:00] this, Indy. I'm putting out the fluffs, if you don't put out the fluffs, the next diaper's blowout, almost guaranteed.

And now, I'm tucking in legs, checking to make sure that there is no fecal matter on my hands. And I'm making my way over okay, I'm almost there. Almost there. On my way right now. And I'm walking over. I'm walking over. I'm walking over. I'm sitting down. I'm here now. I have the baby. I cannot hear you yet.

I am Putting her down. The poop has been removed and I will soon be able to hear you. And I'm super excited for this. The yes. Okay. Oh, okay. Sorry. I didn't want you to give up on this just because we had another diaper. No.

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Based Camp | Simone & Malcolm
Based Camp | Simone & Malcolm Collins
Based Camp is a podcast focused on how humans process the world around them and the future of our species. That means we go into everything from human sexuality, to weird sub-cultures, dating markets, philosophy, and politics.
Malcolm and Simone are a husband wife team of a neuroscientist and marketer turned entrepreneurs and authors. With graduate degrees from Stanford and Cambridge under their belts as well as five bestselling books, one of which topped out the WSJs nonfiction list, they are widely known (if infamous) intellectuals / provocateurs.
If you want to dig into their ideas further or check citations on points they bring up check out their book series. Note: They all sell for a dollar or so and the money made from them goes to charity.